

The Attention Allocation of Biden Administration's National Intelligence Strategy and Its Practical Implications:


[研究目的]解析拜登政府发布的2023 年美国《国家情报战略》,厘清其国家情报战略的内容架构以及背后的深层逻辑,为我国优化国家情报工作提供有益的镜鉴.[研究方法]引入注意力分配理论视角,利用文本分析法在横向上归纳美国2023 年《国家情报战略》的注意力分配特征,在纵向上与美国前四版《国家情报战略》进行比较,揭示拜登政府国家情报战略的注意力分配逻辑.[研究结论]拜登政府国家情报战略的心理基础是以应对大国竞争为主导建立情报认知,美国情报界在组织层面趋向以职业化、一体化为原则促进情报融合,在行为策略层面以技术赋能、联盟互动为重点实施情报改革.美国2023 年《国家情报战略》主线目标保持稳健,其聚焦已完成转型.对于我国,要遵循注意力形成与转化的内在规律,塑造内源、外源协同驱动的国家情报工作体系.

[Research purpose]To analyze the 2023 National Intelligence Strategy of the United States of America released by the Biden administration,clarify the content structure and underlying logic of its national intelligence strategy,and provide useful insights for optimi-zing China's national intelligence work.[Research method]Introducing the perspective of attention allocation theory,using text analysis to horizontally summarize the attention allocation characteristics of the 2023 National Intelligence Strategy of the United States of America,and comparing it vertically with the first four editions,revealing the attention allocation logic of the Biden administration's national intelli-gence strategy.[Research conclusion]The psychological basis of the Biden administration's national intelligence strategy is to establish intelligence awareness led by responding to major country competition.The U.S.intelligence community tends to promote intelligence in-tegration based on professionalization and integration at the organizational level,and implements intelligence reform with a focus on tech-nology empowerment and alliance interaction at the behavioral strategy level.The main goal of the 2023 National Intelligence Strategy of the United States of America remains stable,and its focus has completed a transformation.It is suggested that China follow the internal laws of attention formation and transformation,and strive to shape a national intelligence work system driven by both internal and external factors.


湖南理工学院马克思主义学院 岳阳 414006广西民族大学马克思主义学院 南宁 530006国防科技大学军政基础教育学院 长沙 410073



Biden administrationnational securityNational Intelligence Strategyintelligence workattention allocationtext analysis method

《情报杂志》 2024 (001)

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