

The Reform and Development of MIT After Turkey Coup Attempt


[研究目的]土耳其是中东大国和情报强国,近年来土耳其总统埃尔多安十分重视国家情报局的改革,研究土耳其情报机构的发展动态,可对新形势下我国相关工作提供一定借鉴与启示.[研究方法]通过挖掘土耳其国家情报局的官方信息、土耳其主流媒体的新闻报道和外国机构公开披露的信息等,厘清国家情报局的发展历史、组织结构、职能范围、改革动态、运营方式、工作成效等,综合分析2016 年军事政变事件后,国家情报局的改革动机、改革重点和改革效果.[研究结论]近7 年来,土耳其总统埃尔多安要求国家情报局将重心放在对外情报方面,重点加强防范居伦主义、库尔德分离主义和伊斯兰国恐怖主义,着力提升反间谍能力、海外情报行动能力和外交决策能力,以维护土耳其的国家安全和国家利益.

[Research purpose]As a rising power in the Middle East,Turkey is powerful in the intelligence community.In recent years Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan gives top priority to the reform of Turkey's intelligence service(MIT).Clarifying the develop-ment of MIT can provide some references and insights for relevant work in China.[Research method]Based on information gathered through MIT's official website,the news reports of Turkish mainstream media and the public disclosure of foreign institutions,this paper analyzed the reform motivation,efforts and accomplishment of MIT after the 2016 military coup attempt by studying its history,organiza-tional structure,operating scope and duties,latest developments and work effectiveness.[Research conclusion]In the past 7 years,Er-dogan instructed MIT to focus on foreign intelligence,strike the Gulenists,Kurdish separatists and ISIS terrorists,and improve capabilities of counter-espionage,overseas intelligence operations and decision-making in foreign policies,in order to safeguard Turkey's national se-curity and national interests.


兰州大学马克思主义学院 兰州 730030



Turkeyintelligenceintelligence agencyintelligence workMIT

《情报杂志》 2024 (001)

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