

Australia's Intelligence Reform Issues,Causes and Implications:


[研究目的]研究澳大利亚情报工作具有重要的学术价值和战略意义,2017 年独立情报审查是近年来澳大利亚最重要的情报审查,以此为基点对澳大利亚情报改革进行研究,可以深化对澳大利亚情报工作的认识.[研究方法]利用文献研究方法对2017 年独立情报审查报告等进行文本分析,梳理澳大利亚情报改革的主要内容,寻找改革中存在的主要问题,并进行原因分析.[研究结论]研究发现,澳大利亚不同部门在情报整合上存在职能冲突,同时澳大利亚政府以不恰当理由拒绝议会业务监督,前者主要是由情报政策的不恰当、不充分转移引起的,而政治控制和安全保密是后者的主要原因.两方面分析的启示下,研究发现澳大利亚情报工作相对集权又严重依赖国际盟友,这一背景下,澳大利亚国内情报工作政治化和国外安全感知负面化呈现双螺旋结构相互强化.

[Research purpose]It is of great academic value and strategic importance to study Australian intelligence.The2017 Independ-ent Intelligence Review is the most important intelligence review in Australia in recent years,and a study of Australian intelligence reform based on it can deepen the understanding of Australian intelligence.[Research method]Textual analysis of the 2017 Independent Intelli-gence Review report and other documents is conducted,using literature research methods.It sorts out the main elements of intelligence re-form in Australia,identifies the main problems with the reform and analyzes the causes.[Research conclusion]The study finds that there is a functional conflict between the different Australian departments over intelligence integration,and the Australian government refuses parliamentary operational oversight for inappropriate reasons,with the former being largely caused by inappropriate and inadequate transfers of intelligence policy,and political control and secrecy concerns being the main reasons for the latter.The analysis reveals that Australia's intelligence work is relatively centralized and heavily rely on its international allies.In this context,the politicization of domestic intelli-gence and the negative perception of security abroad in Australia are mutually reinforcing in a double helix structure.


中国人民公安大学国家安全学院 北京 100038中国人民公安大学进修部 北京 100038


the 2017 independent intelligence reviewoffice of national intelligencepolicy transferparliamentary oversightintelligence politicizationintelligence reformintelligence workintelligence integrationAustralia

《情报杂志》 2024 (001)

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