

Spain's Intelligence Supervision Mechanism and Its Reference


[研究目的]有效的情报监督机制有助于规范情报工作,保障公民权利.20 世纪 70 年代后,西班牙逐渐形成了系统性的情报监督机制.就西班牙情报监督机制进行研究对于我国相关机制的建设具有重要借鉴意义.[研究方法]通过历史分析、规范分析的方法,发现西班牙情报监督机制的发展历程是一个不断改革和优化的过程.现阶段西班牙的情报监督机制包括内部监督、议会监督和司法监督在内的正式监督机制以及以媒体监督为主的非正式监督机制.[研究结论]借鉴西班牙情报监督机制建立过程中的经验和教训,我国应构建多元主体情报监督体系,优化情报监督机制的立法并动态化调整情报监督机制.

[Research purpose]An effective intelligence supervision mechanism helps to regulate intelligence work and safeguard citizens'rights.After the 1970s,Spain gradually formed a systematic intelligence supervision mechanism.Studying the intelligence supervision mechanism in Spain is of great reference significance for the construction of relevant mechanisms in China.[Research method]Through historical analysis and normative analysis methods,it is found that the development process of the Spanish intelligence supervision mecha-nism is a continuous process of reform and optimization.And the current intelligence supervision mechanism in Spain includes formal su-pervision mechanism such as internal supervision,parliamentary supervision,and judicial supervision,as well as informal supervision mechanism mainly based on media supervision.[Research conclusion]Drawing on the experience and lessons learned from the establish-ment of Spain's intelligence supervision mechanism,China should build a multi-subject intelligence supervision system,optimize the leg-islation of intelligence supervision mechanism,and dynamically adjust the intelligence supervision mechanism.


北京交通大学法学院 北京 100044对外经济贸易大学法学院 北京 100029


Spainintelligence supervisionsupervision mechanismnational securityintelligence agencyintelligence work

《情报杂志》 2024 (001)

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