

Research on Patent Value Assessment Method Based on Random Coefficient Logit Model:


[研究目的]从分析专利价值入手,通过经济学研究方法围绕专利侵权损害赔偿的标准进行定量研究,为评估专利价值提供有意义的知识增量.[研究方法]基于实证产业组织理论,采用随机系数Logit模型,以无线蓝牙耳机主动降噪(ANC)技术作为研究对象,构建该技术遭受侵权的反事实情形来估计经济指标变化,由此评估专利价值及侵权赔偿比例.[研究结论]专利侵权企业的行为产生了反竞争效应,提升了企业垄断势力,挤占了其他耳机企业的生存空间,也对潜在进入企业形成了进入威胁.蓝牙耳机价格中约有 4.06%源于ANC专利标识.如果发生ANC专利侵权,赔偿额度应是侵权企业利润的2.6~2.8 倍.该方法利用市场数据在均衡框架下评估专利价值,为相关研究提供了新方向.

[Research purpose]Quantitative research is conducted using economic research methods,starting with an analysis of patent value,to explore the standard of patent infringement damage compensation.This research aims to contribute valuable insights for evalua-ting patent value and enhance our understanding in this field.[Research method]This research employs empirical industrial organization theory and focuses on active noise control(ANC)technology in wireless Bluetooth headsets.Using the random coefficient logit model,it creates a counterfactual scenario where ANC technology is infringed,leading to significant changes in economic indicators.This approach enables the assessment of patent value and determination of an appropriate infringement compensation ratio.[Research conclusion]The research concluded that the behavior of patent infringing companies has produced anti-competitive effects,enhanced corporate monopoly power,squeezed out the living space of other earphone companies,and also formed an entry threat to potential entrants.About 4.06%of the price of Bluetooth headsets comes from the ANC patent label.In cases of ANC patent infringement,it is recommended that the com-pensation amount should be set at 2.6 to 2.8 times the profit of the infringing enterprise.By utilizing market data to evaluate patent value within an equilibrium framework,this method provides a new direction for further research in this field.


东北财经大学产业组织与企业组织研究中心 大连 116025



patent valuepatent infringementpatent value assessmentdamages compensationrandom coefficient logit modelactive noise controlbluetooth headset

《情报杂志》 2024 (001)

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