

Comparative Experimental Report of Maize Varieties for Both Grain and Feed in Terraced Fields of Longdong Dry Land


粮饲兼用型玉米是指既可产粮,又可产草的玉米品种,要求成熟时茎叶保绿度好,生物产量高,粮食产量也相对较高,适宜青贮.近年来随着养殖业的发展,养牛农户的增多,为保证饲料来源的供给,达到以农养牧.粮饲兼用型玉米品种对养殖业的发展有着十分重要的意义.为筛选出适合陇东地区种植的粮饲兼用型玉米品种,开展 8 个粮饲兼用型品种进行比较试验,以当地主栽品种先玉 335 为对照.经过试验得出:参试的 8 个玉米品种中,沈单 16、东单 60 和玉源 7879 三个品种综合性状优良,不管从粮食产量方面还是生物产量都高于对照先玉 335,可以在陇东地区相同的旱地梯田大面积推广种植,金穗 1 号综合性状较好,生物量低于对照,需进一步试验,富农 998、陇单 339 和酒试 20 三个品种综合性状较差,不适合以粮饲兼用型玉米品种推广种植.

Corn for both grain and feed refers to a corn variety that can produce both grain and grass.This requires good greenness of stems and leaves when mature,high biological yield,relatively high grain yield,and is suitable for silage.In re-cent years,with the development of the breeding industry,the number of cattle farmers has increased.In order to ensure the supply of feed sources and achieve the purpose of farming and animal husbandry,corn varieties with both grain and feed are of great significance to the development of aquaculture.In order to screen out the corn varieties suitable for planting in eastern Gansu,we carried out comparative experiments on 8 corn varieties with both grain and fodder.We use the local main variety Xianyu 335 as a control.The experimental results showed that among the 8 maize varieties,Shendan 16,Dongdan 60 and Yuyuan 7879 had excellent comprehensive traits.It was higher than the control Xianyu 335 in terms of grain yield and biologi-cal yield.This can be promoted on a large scale in the same dry land terraces in the Longdong region.Jinsui 1 has better com-prehensive traits,but its biomass is lower than that of the control,so further experiments are needed.Funong 998,Longdan 339 and Jiushi 20 have poor comprehensive traits and are not suitable for the promotion and planting of grain-forage corn varie-ties.


庄浪县农业技术推广中心,甘肃 平凉 744699



both grain and foddercornvarietiescomparisonLongdong

《畜牧兽医杂志》 2024 (001)

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