

Therapeutic Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Large Area Skin Defect in Rabbits


探究中药对兔子大面积皮肤缺损的治疗效果.本研究对 1 例流浪兔子腰荐部皮肤大面积缺损,在不借助抗生素控制感染的情况下,仅通过中药白芨膏外敷治疗,简便包扎,通过 6~7 周的精细护理,完全痊愈.结果显示,此方法操作简便,疗效确实,中药对该病治疗具有一定的优势,这为临床应用中药治疗此类疾病提供了科学依据.

This article explores the therapeutic effect of traditional Chinese medicine on large-area skin defects in rabbits.In this study,a case of stray rabbit suffered from a large area of lumbosacral skin defect.We do not use antibiotics to control the infection,but only use the traditional Chinese medicine Baiji ointment for external application and simple bandaging.After 6 to 7 weeks of meticulous care,we fully recovered.The results show that this method is easy to operate and has real efficacy.Tra-ditional Chinese medicine has certain advantages in the treatment of this disease,which provides a scientific basis for the clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of such diseases.


安阳市动物疫病预防控制中心,河南 安阳 455000上海良伴无忧宠物医院



large-area skin defectsChinese medicinebaiji ointment

《畜牧兽医杂志》 2024 (001)

135-137 / 3
