

Corneal Dermoid Cyst Excision and Conjunctival Flap Covering in a French Bulldog


角膜皮样囊肿是一种长在人或动物的角膜、结膜、角巩膜等处被覆毛发的异常皮肤样组织.在人和动物均可见,动物中尤其是在牛和犬中较为常见.角膜皮样囊肿可以引发眼睑痉挛、眼分泌物增加、结膜炎、角膜炎和角膜溃疡等,严重者可导致角膜穿孔和眼球坏死.通过角膜切除术或结膜切除术,切除角膜皮样囊肿并对症治疗的方法来治疗眼部角膜皮样囊肿.以下是在 2022 年 3 月接诊的一例幼年法斗犬患有右侧眼角膜皮样囊肿,对患犬实施浅层角膜切除术切除右侧角膜皮样囊肿并用结膜瓣遮盖的手术方法进行治疗,术后恢复良好.

Corneal dermoid cyst is a kind of abnormal skin-like tissue that grows in the cornea,conjunctiva,and cornes-clera of human or animal.It is found in both humans and animals,and is more common in animals,especially in cattle and dogs.Keratodermoid cysts can cause blepharospasm,increased eye secretions,conjunctivitis,keratitis and corneal ulcers,and severe cases can lead to corneal perforation and eyeball necrosis.Keratodermoid cysts of the eye are treated by keratectomy or conjunctival excision,removal of the keratodermoid cyst and symptomatic treatment.The following is a case of a juvenile fight-ing dog with right keratodermoid cyst received in March 2022.Superficial keratectomy was performed on the dog to remove the right keratodermoid cyst and cover the keratodermoid cyst with conjunctiva flap,and the postoperative recovery was satisfactory.


塔里木大学动物科学与技术学院,新疆 阿拉尔,843300



dogcorneal dermoid cystconjunctival flap occlusion

《畜牧兽医杂志》 2024 (001)

142-144 / 3
