

Research on innovative utilization trend of corn stover based on patent analysis



To comprehensively understand the common key technologies and development trends in global corn stover utilization,this study utilized Innography to search and summarize the global corn stover patents published during 1854 and 2021,and focuses on the analysis of global corn stover patent filing trends,filing institutions and comprehensive strength,and patents distribution across countries,etc.Visualization tools were also used to analyze patent technology clustering,providing insights into research directions and key common technologies in these fields.Among the innovative corn stover utilization technologies,high patent intensity patents were selected as representatives to discuss the directional leadership of patent on comprehensive utilization technologies of corn stover in the areas such as emission reduction and carbon sequestration,green ecology,modern equipment,high-value materials,intelligent information and biochemistry.The analysis revealed that China's corn stover patents have a low authorization rate,and uneven development in R&D fields,a lack of international patent layout,relatively few patents on innovative utilization methods,and a low proportion of enterprise R&D.From 2017 to 2021,innovative utilization technologies for corn straw included carbon storage technologies in solid-liquid-gas states,which can achieve innovative carbon reduction and sequestration technologies;utilize corn stover can specialize the planting return method and the innovate of fertilizer utilization,increase crop yield,improve soil quality,and prepare substrate and green products for agricultural purposes,thereby achieving innovative green ecological technology;optimizing corn straw processes and methods using modern information technology can enhance resource utilization efficiency;optimizing straw collection,pre-treatment,and utilization equipment using innovative modern equipment technology can enhance agricultural machinery efficiency;developing high-value material technology for corn stover from the perspective of raw material innovation and high-performance material demand can achieve innovative utilization;utilizing biochemical technology,including fermentation technology,green fodder,microbial bacterium,and enzymatic technology,can be applied for innovative utilization of corn stover.Therefore,it is recommended to increase the number of own core patents or high-impact patents,improve the conversion rate of scientific and technological achievements and the proportion of international layout of patents,universities and research institutes.The integration of the industry should also be strengthened to expand the scope of innovative technology utilization.The corn stover high-value material industry represents an important breakthrough direction.By developing high value-added products and achieving resource recycling for comprehensive stover utilization,new opportunities and development paths for the entire corn stover high-value utilization industrial chain can be expected.


中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083||农业农村部可再生能源清洁化利用技术重点实验室,北京 100083中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083



corn stoverpatent analysisresearch situationinnovative utilization

《中国农业大学学报》 2024 (001)

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