

Research Progress of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria in Salt Tolerance of Plants


土壤盐碱化会导致农作物产量急剧下降,已成为全球农业生态系统的一大威胁.目前生产中已采用多种修复盐碱地和恢复其生产力的方法.其中,植物促生菌(Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria,PGPB)的利用被认为是一种很有前景的盐渍土壤修复生物肥料,适用于盐渍土壤复垦和提高作物生产力.耐盐PGPB利用多种机制影响植物的生理、生化和分子生物学响应以应对盐胁迫.这些机制包括通过离子稳态和渗透液积累的渗透调节,通过形成自由基清除酶保护植物免受自由基的侵害,产生氧化应激反应,通过合成植物激素及其他代谢物维持植物正常生长.本文综述了盐胁迫下PGPB促进植物生长的各种机制,并着重介绍了 PGPB在改善植物盐胁迫方面的最新进展,并对其后续研究热点进行展望.

Soil salinity leads to a sharp loss in crop yield has become a major threat to global agroecosystems.Many strategies have been implemented in current production to remediate saline-alkali land and restore its productivity.Among them,the utilization of Plant growth promoting bacteria(PGPB)is considered as a promising bio-fertilizing method for soil reclamation,suitable for reclaiming saline-alkali soil and enhancing crop productivity.Salt-tolerant PGPB utilizes a variety of mechanisms that affect physiological,biochemical and molecular responses in plants to cope with salt stress.These mechanisms include osmotic adjustment by ion homeostasis and osmolyte accumulation,protection plants from free radicals by the formation of free radicals scavenging enzymes,induction of oxidative stress and maintenance of plant growth by the synthesis of phytohormones and other metabolites.In this review,various mechanisms used by PGPB to promote plant growth under salt stress were discussed,and the recent progress and prospects of PGPB in improving plant salt stress were emphasized.


湖北民族大学 生物与食品工程学院,湖北 恩施 445000航天凯天环保科技股份有限公司,湖南 长沙 410000淄博市农业科学研究院,山东 淄博 255000


plant growth promoting bacteriasalt stressgrowth-promotion mechanisms

《黑龙江农业科学》 2024 (001)

108-115 / 8


