

Research and Application of Polar Code Encoding and Decoding in 5G Communication



In order to optimize the implementation complexity and information transmission speed of the fifth generation communication technology,the Polar code based on channel polarization phenomenon gradually receives great attention and research,and forms many industry standards and research conclusions.In recent years,the devel-opment and optimization of Polar code encoding and decoding technology promotes the popularity of the fifth genera-tion communication technology,and the rapid application of the new generation communication technology greatly pro-motes the further iteration of the underlying encoding and decoding technology.By reviewing the research history of Polar code encoding and decoding technology,the research status and context of Polar code encoding and decoding technology in the fifth generation communication are summarized.On this basis,the problems and requirements of current coding and decoding theory are analyzed and discussed in depth,and the research ideas and trends of the un-derlying coding and decoding theory in the future communication technology are proposed.


辽宁科技大学 电子与信息工程学院,辽宁 鞍山 114051||河北华烨机械科技有限公司,河北 任丘 062550



5G communicationPolar codecoding theorydecoding algorithmShannon limitcomputational complexitysource codingchannel coding

《电子科技》 2024 (001)

61-65 / 5

河北省高等学校青年基金(QN2019344)Hebei Higher Education Youth Fund Project(QN2019344)

