

A study of the numerical simulation on the loads of a commercial 6 MW semi-submersible wind turbine


针对海上漂浮式风力机在其运行状态下的叶轮气动载荷与平台运动状态难以预测的问题,本文以一种商用 6MW级漂浮式风力机为研究对象,基于非稳态的雷诺平均湍流模型,进行了全耦合数值模拟和水池模型试验研究.结果显示:浮式风力机自由衰减周期的模拟值在纵摇、横揺和垂荡上与实验值吻合度较高,而在纵荡、横荡和艏摇上,衰减周期的模拟值与实验值存在一定误差,这主要是由数值模型中对系泊系统进行悬链线简化时造成的.在静水工况下,风力机气动载荷的波动主要受塔影效应影响,机舱加速度的波动与叶轮推力系数变化呈正相关,浮式风力机纵荡和纵摇运动主要受叶轮气动载荷波动的影响;在规则波和非规则波工况下,叶轮推力的波动受浮式基础纵荡和纵摇的影响较大,叶轮推力系数变化和机舱速度呈负相关.浮式风力机的运动主要受波浪载荷的影响,气动载荷对其影响相对较小.

It is difficult to predict the aerodynamic load of the impeller and the motion state of the platform for marine floating wind turbines in their operating state.A commercial 6 MW floating wind turbine was investigated in this study.Based on the unsteady Reynolds average turbulence model,we performed a fully coupled numerical simulation and a wa-ter-tank model test.The results showed that the simulated values of the free attenuation period of a floating wind turbine are in good agreement with the experimental values on the aspects of pitch,yaw,and heave.However,certain errors ex-ist between the simulated and the experimental values in surge,sway,and yaw,which are mainly caused when catenary simplification is conducted for the mooring system in the numerical model.Under still water conditions,the fluctuation of the aerodynamic loads of a wind turbine is primarily affected by the tower shadow,the fluctuation in the acceleration of the engine room is positively correlated with the change in the thrust coefficient of the impeller,and the surge and pitch motions of the floating wind turbine are mainly impacted by the fluctuation in the aerodynamic load of the impeller;un-der the conditions with regular and irregular waves,the fluctuations in the impeller thrust are greatly affected by the surge and pitch motions of the floating foundation,the change in the thrust coefficient of the impeller is negatively corre-lated with the speed of the engine room.The motion of the floating wind turbine is majorly affected by the wave load,while the aerodynamic load remains relatively less affected.


天津大学 建筑工程学院,天津 300350||北京金风科创风电设备有限公司,北京 100176北京金风科创风电设备有限公司,北京 100176南方海洋科学与工程广东省实验室(湛江),广东 湛江 524002上海交通大学 船舶海洋与建筑工程学院,上海 200240



floating wind turbinemodel testnumerical simulationunsteady Reynolds average Navier-Stokes tur-bulence modelaerodynamic loadfree attenuationstill waterregular waveirregular wave

《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 2024 (001)

17-24,128 / 9


