

Active control of ship pipeline vibration based on mirror-modified FxLMS control algorithm


针对船舶管路减振和抗冲击的需求,本文根据镜像修正自适应滤波算法,设计出了一种管路振动主动控制策略,能够有效地控制管路在低频下的振动,并且在次级通道发生突变时,控制系统可再次快速收敛,进行稳定控制.本文先对镜像修正自适应滤波算法进行理论研究,分析算法的迭代及控制过程;再通过仿真分别验证算法在不同参考信号输入下的收敛性及稳定性;最后搭建实验台架,通过试验验证算法的实际控制效果.试验结果表明:该控制策略在管路振动主动控制中能够降低 15.37%的振动强度,比自适应滤波算法控制策略的控制效果好8.85%.所以镜像修正自适应滤波算法能够及时有效地进行管路振动控制.

In response to the demand of ship pipelines for vibration damping and shock resistance,an active control strategy for pipeline vibration was designed based on the mirror-modified FxLMS algorithm.Such a strategy can ef-fectively control the vibration of a pipeline at low frequencies,and following a sudden change in the secondary pas-sage,the control system can rapidly converge again for stable control.First,theoretical research was conducted on the MMFxLMS algorithm to analyze the iteration and control of the algorithm,verifying the convergence and stability of the algorithm under different reference signal inputs through simulation.Finally,an experimental bench was con-structed to verify the actual control effect of the algorithm through experiments.The experimental results showed that the control strategy can reduce the vibration intensity by 15.37%in the active control of pipeline vibration,8.85%higher than the control effect of the FxLMS control strategy.Therefore,the MMFxLMS algorithm can effec-tively control pipeline vibration over time.


哈尔滨工程大学 动力与能源工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150001伦敦大学学院 机械工程系,伦敦 WC1E 6BT


mirror-modified filtered-x least mean square algorithmonline identificationadaptive filtering algo-rithmnormalization algorithmoverall modeling algorithmmirror systemiteration of weight vectoractive control of pipeline vibration

《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 2024 (001)


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