

The application of SPS in the simulation of viscous flow by SPH method


针对传统光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)无法准确定义雷诺数问题,引入亚粒子尺度技术(SPS)对流体黏性进行处理,开发了 SPS-δ-SPH算法.分别采用人工黏性、层流黏性和SPS湍流黏性的处理方法对不同雷诺数下的二维圆柱绕流进行数值模拟,分析不同黏性处理方法下的水动力系数的变化并与相关文献结果进行比较.结果表明:SPS湍流模型在较低雷诺数下的升阻力计算结果与实验值较为接近,且在较高雷诺数下有效可靠,SPS-δ-SPH算法适用于黏性绕流问题.在此基础上,将SPS-δ-SPH算法进一步应用于穿透自由液面的三维圆柱绕流问题并得到了较高精度的计算结果.研究结果对解决海洋工程领域的相关问题具有参考价值.

Aiming at the problem that the Reynolds number cannot be accurately defined for the traditional smooth particle dynamics(SPH),the SPS-δ-SPH method was proposed by using the sub particle scale(SPS)turbulence model to deal with the fluid viscosity.The 2D flow around a cylinder at different Reynolds numbers was simulated with the viscosity treatment by using artificial viscosity,laminar viscosity and SPS turbulent viscosity respectively.The variation of hydrodynamic coefficient under different viscosity treatment methods were systematically analyzed and compared with the calculation results of relevant literatures.The results calculated by SPS model were close to the experimental values at lower Reynolds number,as well as the results were stable at a higher Reynolds number,which showed that the SPS-δ-SPH method is suitable for viscous flow problems.Furthermore,the SPS-δ-SPH I is applied to simulate the 3D flow around a surface piercing cylinder and the calculation results with higher accuracy are obtained.The research results provide certain reference value for solving related problems in the field of marine engineering.


江苏科技大学船舶与海洋工程学院,江苏 镇江 212000哈尔滨工程大学船舶与海洋工程学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150001



smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH)viscous flowsub particle scale(SPS)turbulence modelhydrodynamic coefficient3D flows around cylinder

《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (001)

59-65 / 7


