

Localization Practice of the Foreign Teaching Models Through Sino-Foreign Joint Curriculum Construction



Sino-foreign cooperative education is an important part of the education in China,playing an essential role in promoting international exchange and cooperation,and cultivating top international talents.Through Sino-foreign cooperative education,a majority of foreign educational resources,teaching concepts,and methods have been introduced.However,they could only be applied to practice after adapting to Chinese educational environment.Sino-foreign joint curriculum was a special teaching form under the Sino-foreign joint education system,which not only provides students with more opportunities to learn English professional knowledge,but also provides practical opportunities for integrating foreign teaching models into Chinese classrooms.Based on the talent training objectives of the Sino-foreign joint education program of biotechnology in the Aulin College of Northeast Forestry University,this study capitalized on the Sino-foreign joint curriculum to accomplish the localization practice of foreign teaching models.Starting from four dimensions:pre-class,in-class,post-class and course assessment,this study established bilingual teaching methods suitable for the local university,effectively combined Chinese and foreign educational resources,and explored the unique advantages of Sino-foreign joint education.


东北林业大学生命科学学院,黑龙江哈尔滨 150040


sino-foreign joint educationsino-foreign joint curriculumforeign teaching modelslocalization practice

《黑龙江农业科学》 2024 (001)

86-90 / 5


