

Clinical feature and gene mutation in patients with hepatolenticular degeneration:An analysis of 79 cases


目的 探讨肝豆状核变性患者临床特征及其基因突变位点变化情况.方法 2017 年1 月~2022 年 12 月我院诊治的肝豆状核变性患者79 例,常规收集临床资料,采用高通量基因测序法进行ATP7B基因检测,应用ATP7B基因数据库比对基因突变位点.结果 在本组79 例肝豆状核变性患者中,肝型55 例,脑型12 例,混合型12 例;肝型患者初次发病年龄显著小于脑型或混合型患者(P<0.05),而脑型患者出现K-F比例为100.0%,显著大于肝型的45.5%或混合型的66.7%(P<0.05);肝型患者血清AST、ALT和铜蓝蛋白水平分别为 83.7(52.8,137.5)U/L、83.6(33.2,163.6)U/L和0.12(0.083,0.22)g/L,显著高于脑型患者[分别为29.6(21.3,46.1)U/L、27.5(18.9,38.8)U/L和0.031(0.011,0.058)g/L,P<0.05]或混合型患者[分别为37.2(27.8,56.4)U/L、23.2(18.4,45.0)U/L和0.057(0.040,0.096)g/L,P<0.05];本组共检出11 个ATP7B基因突变位点,混合型患者EX11、EX13/CDS13、EX16 和EX18 位点突变比例分别为 41.7%、25.0%、25.0%和16.7%,显著高于肝型的7.3%、5.5%、3.6%和3.6%(P<0.05)或脑型的 8.3%、8.3%、8.3%和 0.0%(P<0.05),而肝型患者EX13 和EX8 位点突变比例分别为34.5%和7.3%,显著高于脑型的16.7%和0.0%(P<0.05)或混合型的16.7%和0.0%(P<0.05).结论 肝豆状核变性临床特征复杂多样,基因突变位点繁多,不同型别之间可能存在基因突变差异,值得进一步研究.

Objective This study was conducted to investigate the clinical feature and gene mutation in patients with hepatolenticular degeneration(HLD).Methods 79 consecutive patients with HLD were encountered in our hospital between January 2017 and December 2022,and the basic clinical materials were retrieved.TheATP7B gene mutation was assayed by high throughput gene sequencing.Results There were 55 patients with hepatic,12 with cerebral and 12 with mixed phonotypes in our series;the disease onset age of patients with hepatic phonotype was much younger than those with cerebral or mixed phonotypes(P<0.05),while the percentage of K-F ring in patients with cerebral phonotype was100.0%,greatly higher than45.5%in patients with hepatic or 66.7%in patients with cerebral phonotype(P<0.05);serum AST,ALT and ceruloplasmin levels in patients with hepatic phonotype were 83.7(52.8,137.5)U/L,83.6(33.2,163.6)U/L and 0.12(0.083,0.22)g/L,significantly higher than[29.6(21.3,46.1)U/L,27.5(18.9,38.8)U/L and 0.031(0.011,0.058)g/L,respectively,P<0.05]in patients with cerebral phonotype or[37.2(27.8,56.4)U/L,23.2(18.4,45.0)U/L and 0.057(0.040,0.096)g/L,respectively,P<0.05]in patients with mixed phonotype;the ATP7B gene mutation was found in 11 sites in our series,and the incidences of EX11,EX13/CDS13,EX16 and EX18 mutation in patients with mixed phonotype were 41.7%,25.0%,25.0%and 16.7%,significantly higher than 7.3%,5.5%,3.6%and 3.6%(P<0.05)in patients with hepatic or 8.3%,8.3%,8.3%and 0.0%(P<0.05)in patients with cerebral phonotype,while the incidences of EX13 and EX8 mutation in patients with hepatic phonotype were 34.5%and 7.3%,much higher than 16.7%and 0.0%(P<0.05)in patients with cerebral or 16.7%and 0.0%(P<0.05)in those with mixed phonotype.Conclusion The clinical features of patients with HLD varies,and the ATP7B gene mutation differs,which needs further foundational verification.


215500 江苏省常熟市医学检验所检验科常熟市血站检验科苏州大学附属常熟医院儿科


Hepatolenticular degenerationATP7B gene mutationClinical featureGene mutation

《实用肝脏病杂志》 2024 (001)

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