

Effects of blue light on the development of the dioptric system in guinea pigs


目的 研究蓝光对镜片诱导近视(LIM)豚鼠的眼屈光发育的影响.方法 将3周龄的三色豚鼠随机分为3组:对照组、白光LIM组、蓝光LIM组(420 nm LED灯,照度700 lx),后两组豚鼠右眼配戴-10.00 D镜片诱导近视.所有豚鼠均处于12 h光照/12 h黑暗周期.在干预前及干预后2周、4周测量所有豚鼠屈光度、眼轴长度、视网膜厚度、脉络膜厚度,干预4周时对豚鼠行角膜荧光染色以及视网膜HE染色.结果 与对照组相比,在干预前至干预2周时(0-2周变化量),白光LIM组豚鼠向近视漂移(-2.22± 1.28)D,眼轴延长(0.40±0.05)mm,视网膜厚度和脉络膜厚度变薄,分别变化(-7.42± 7.04)μm和(-6.29±4.66)μm;与白光LIM组相比,蓝光LIM组豚鼠向远视漂移(0.48±1.16)D,眼轴长度延长(0.20±0.10)mm(均为 P<0.05),视网膜增厚(1.36± 7.46)μm,脉络膜增厚(8.05±8.08)μm(均为P<0.05).在干预2周至干预4周时(2-4周变化量),与对照组相比,白光LIM组和蓝光LIM组豚鼠屈光度均向近视发展,分别变化(-4.64±0.50)D和(-2.11±2.02)D(均为P<0.05),白光LIM组豚鼠的眼轴长度延长,视网膜和脉络膜厚度仍变薄,分别变化(0.44±0.06)mm、(-7.35±5.87)μm、(-4.84±2.61)μm;但此时蓝光LIM组豚鼠的脉络膜厚度停止增加并变薄,并且视网膜厚度减少,分别变化(-0.33±5.95)μm、(-4.78±4.96)μm.角膜荧光染色和视网膜HE染色结果表明,长时间蓝光照射可导致角膜和视网膜细胞的损伤.结论 蓝光可能通过脉络膜相关机制影响近视的发展,但其抑制效果并不与时间呈单纯的正相关,长期的蓝光照射会损伤角膜和视网膜,从而降低抑制效果.

Objective To investigate the effect of blue light on the dioptric development of the eyes of lens-induced myopia(LIM)guinea pigs.Methods Three-week-old trichromatic guinea pigs were randomly divided into three groups:control group,white light LIM(WL)group,and blue light LIM(BL)group(420 nm LED light,with an illuminance of 700 lx);guinea pigs in the latter two groups wore-10.00 D lenses in their right eyes to induce myopia.All guinea pigs under-went a 12 h light/12 h dark treatment cycle.Before and 2,4 weeks after the intervention,the diopter,axial length,retinal thickness and choroidal thickness were measured in all groups.After 4 weeks of intervention,the corneal fluorescent stai-ning and retinal Hematoxylin and Eosin(HE)staining were conducted.Results Compared with the control group,from week 0 to week 2 of the intervention(changes in weeks 0-2),the eyes in the WL group drifted(-2.22±1.28)D towards myopia,the axial length lengthened by(0.40±0.05)mm,and the retinal and choroidal thicknesses reduced by(-7.42± 7.04)μm and(-6.29±4.66)μm,respectively;compared with the WL group,in the BL group,the eyes drifted toward hyperopia by(0.48±1.16)D,the axial length increased by(0.20±0.10)mm,and retinal and choroidal thicknesses in-creased by(1.36±7.46)μm and(8.05±8.08)μm,respectively(all P<0.05).From week 2 to week 4(changes in weeks 2-4),compared with the control group,the diopter in the WL and BL groups progressed towards myopia,with changes of(-4.64±0.50)D and(-2.11±2.02)D,respectively(both P<0.05);the axial length lengthened,and reti-nal and choroidal thicknesses reduced in the WL group,with changes of(0.44±0.06)mm,(-7.35±5.87)μm and(-4.84±2.61)μm,while the choroidal thickness and the retinal thickness decreased in the BL group,with changes of(-0.33±5.95)μm and(-4.78±4.96)μm,respectively.Observations of corneal fluorescence staining and retinal HE staining indicated that prolonged blue light exposure could lead to damage to corneal and retinal cells.Conclusion Blue light may influence the development of myopia through choroid-related mechanisms,but its inhibitory effect is not positive-ly correlated with time.Prolonged exposure to blue light can damage the cornea and retina,thereby reducing the inhibitory effect.


300020 天津市,天津市眼科医院,天津医科大学眼科临床学院300020 天津市,天津市眼科医院,天津医科大学眼科临床学院||300020 天津市,南开大学附属眼科医院



myopiablue lightdioptric developmentguinea pigs

《眼科新进展》 2024 (001)


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