

Effect of Comprehensive Management Measures on Productivity of Medium and Low Yield Farmland in Coastal Saline Areas


为探究提高滨海盐渍化农田农业生产力的集约化种植方案,从2015年开始在山东省垦利区开展田间定位试验,综合考虑施肥量、施肥时期、种植密度、土壤改良剂等措施,试验设置农户习惯(farmer's practice,FP)、土壤改良(improved soil management,ISM)、作物调控(improved crops management,ICM)和土壤作物综合调控(integrated soil crop management,ISCM)4个处理,追踪小麦关键生育期的群体动态变化,分析小麦、玉米收获期干物质积累量和植株的氮磷钾养分吸收量,调查小麦、玉米产量及产量构成因素的变化,比较作物生产净收益、收获期0-20 cm土层的土壤脱钠率和钠吸附比.结果表明,相较于FP处理,ISM显著增加了小麦和玉米收获期穗数,最终产量分别提高25.2%和10.0%,净收入提高7.8%.此外,ISM处理土壤脱钠率达78.6%;ICM处理显著提高了小麦和玉米的群体干物质积累量,相较FP处理产量分别提高17.8%和10.7%,净收入增加19.3%;ISCM处理获得试验条件下小麦、玉米最大产量,分别为11.96和10.83 t·hm-2,净收入比FP处理提升20.8%,土壤脱钠率达82.9%.ISM处理能显著降低滨海盐渍土的钠离子含量,提高小麦玉米养分吸收能力并增加产量;ICM处理虽然增产效果低于ISM处理,但较低的投入成本能够获得更高的净效益.综合来看,ISCM处理能够协同实现土壤质量提升、作物增产和经济效益增加,是该研究条件下最优管理实践方案.研究结果可为区域中低产田产能提升提供技术理论支撑和示范样板.

Exploring the intensive planting scheme to improve the agricultural productivity of coastal salinized farmland,the field positioning trial conducted in Kenli district,Shandong province was carried out since 2015,and 4 treatments were set up by considering fertilizer application amount,fertilizer application period,planting density,soil amendment and other measures including farmer's practice(FP),improved soil management(ISM),improved crops management(ICM),integrated soil crop management(ISCM).Track the population dynamic changes in the key growth period of wheat,analyzed the dry matter accumulation and nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium nutrient absorption of wheat and maize during harvest,investigated the changes of wheat and maize yield and yield components,and compared the net income of crop production,soil sodium removal rate and sodium adsorption ratio in the 0-20 cm soil layer after harvest.The results showed that compared with FP treatment,ISM significantly increased the number of ears during wheat and maize harvest,resulting in a 25.2%and 10.0%increase in yield,and a 7.8%increase in net income,respectively.In addition,the soil sodium removal rate of ISM treatment reached 78.6%.The ICM treatment significantly increased the dry matter accumulation of wheat and maize,with a yield increase of 17.8%and 10.7%,respectively,compared to the FP treatment,and the net income increase of 19.3%.The ISCM treatment obtained the highest wheat yield of 11.96 and 10.83 t·hm-2,respectively,the net income increased by 20.8%compared to the FP treatment,and the soil sodium removal rate reached 82.9%.The ISM treatment could significantly reduce the sodium ion content of salinized soil,improve the nutrient absorption capacity of wheat and maize,and increase yield.Although the yield increase effect of ICM treatment was lower than that of ISM treatment,lower input cost could obtain higher net benefit.On the whole,the ISCM treatment could simultaneously achieve soil quality improvement,crop yield increase and economic benefits,which was the optimal management practice scheme under the conditions of this study.This research result could provide technical and theoretical support and demonstration models for improving the production capacity of medium to low yield fields in the region.


山东省农业科学院玉米研究所,济南 250100||农业农村部农业机械化总站,北京 100122中国农业大学资源与环境学院,北京 100193农业农村部耕地质量监测保护中心,北京 100125河南省农业科学院植物营养与资源环境研究所,郑州 450000山东省农业科学院玉米研究所,济南 250100



salinized soilsoil sodium removal ratewheatmaizeproduction income

《中国农业科技导报》 2024 (001)

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