

Effect of Different Frame Type on Aroma Components and Berry Quality of'Nantaihutezao'


为探索不同栽培架式对葡萄果实香气成分和品质的影响,以温棚种植的倾斜棚架栽培与常规"厂"字形栽培(CK)的6年生'南太湖特早'葡萄为试验材料,对倾斜棚架不同结果部位(前部,C1;中部,C2;后部,C3)的果实性状、挥发性香气物质进行评价,利用FlavourSpec®气相离子迁移谱联用仪(gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometre,GC-IMS)对'南太湖特早'葡萄进行香气成分分析,测定树体和浆果的相关理化指标.结果表明,'南太湖特早'葡萄采用倾斜棚架栽培,与棚架其他结果部位及CK相比,从C1部位开始结果枝基粗依次增加,C1浆果的糖酸比适宜,花色苷含量最高,为438.69 mg·L-1,比C2、C3和CK分别增加21.4%、108.1%和8.9%.棚架各结果部位的酯类、醇类和醛类香气总量均高于CK,酯类香气物质C1最高,为4 944.24 μg·L-1,比C2、C3和CK分别增加1.5%、21.9%和37.9%;醇类香气物质总量C1最高,为15 930.07 μg·L-1,比C2、C3和CK分别增加了5.8%、7.7%和1.3%,但各结果部位与CK差异均不显著(P>0.05);C1结果部位的醛类总量最高,为8 865.41 μg·L-1,比C2、C3和CK分别增加1.5%、6.6%和17.2%.结果部位C1处的挥发性香气物质丁酸甲酯、(E)-2-己烯醇和α-蒎烯的香气活性值最大,可作为葡萄主要的呈香物质,C1、C3和CK浆果中的挥发性香气种类含量较多,香气更加突出;C1在甜香味上表现更加典型、浓郁.不同架式不同结果部位的'南太湖特早'葡萄表现出不同的香气特征和风味,研究结果为'南太湖特早'葡萄的栽培架式选择和风味机理的形成提供理论参考.

In order to investigate the effect of the different frame type on the aroma components and the sensory quality of a grape cultivar'Nantaihutezao',the 6-year-old'Nantaihutezao'grape was cultivated by sloping trellis and'厂'type(CK)in the greenhouse,and the fruit characters and volatile aroma of the different fruiting parts(the front part of inclined trellis,C1;the middle of inclined trellis,C2;the rear of inclined trellis,C3)with the different frame types were evaluated.The aroma compounds were determined for the ripe berries in'Nantaihutezao'using FlavourSpec® analyzer(gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometre,GC-IMS),a series of physical and chemical indexes were determined,the aroma compounds and the berries quality were evaluated.The results showed that,compared with other bearing parts of the trellis and CK,the fruit branch base diameter of'Nantaihutezao'cultivated by inclined trellis increased successively from front part of inclined trellis(C1),and the sugar to acid ratio of C1 was suitable,the anthocyanin content of C1 was 438.69 mg·L-1,which was 21.4%,108.1%and 8.9%higher than that of C2,C3 and CK,respectively.The total amount of esters,alcohols and aldehydes in each bearing part of the scaffold were higher than CK,and the ester aroma of C1 was the highest,reaching 4 944.24 μg·L-1,which was 1.5%,21.9%and 37.9%higher than that of C2,C3 and CK,respectively;the alcohols value of C1 was the highest,reaching 15 930.07 μg·L-1,which was increased by 5.8%,7.7%and 1.3%compared with C2,C3 and CK,respectively,however,there was no significant difference between the result parts and CK(P>0.05);the total amount of aldehydes in C1 was the highest,reaching 8 865.41 μg·L-1,which was increased by 1.5%,6.6%and 17.2%compared with C2,C3 and CK,respectively.The odor activity values of methyl butyrate,(E)-2-hexenol and alpha-pinene at C1 were the highest,which could be used as the main aroma substances of grape.There were more volatile aroma types in C1,C3 and CK berries,and the aroma was more prominent,C1 was more typical and intense in sweet flavor.'Nantaihutezao'grapes of different rack types and different bearing parts showed different aroma characteristics and flavors,which could provide a theoretical reference for the selection of the frame type and the formation of flavor mechanism of'Nantaihutezao'grape.


宁夏金邑澜葡萄酒有限公司,宁夏 永宁 750100宁夏农业学校,银川 750021宁夏大学食品与葡萄酒学院,银川 750021



'Nantaihutezao'grapedifferent frame typearoma componentsberry quality

《中国农业科技导报》 2024 (001)

201-213 / 13

