

Song Liqun's Experience in Treating Recurrent Oral Ulcer with the Theory of"Ascending and Descending of Qi Movement"



At present,the incidence of recurrent aphthous ulcer is rising day by day due to modern poor living and eating habits,and conventional treatment has no obvious effect on the periodic attack.The efficacy and long-term prognosis of TCM for this disease have been recognized by the majority of patients.In the clinical treatment of such disease,Professor Song Liqun applies the theory of ascending and descending of qi movement,attributes the main changes of qi movement in the human body to the three pairs of zang-fu organs:spleen and stomach,heart and kidney,and liver and lung.He believes that the occurrence of oral ulcer is closely related to the abnormal qi ascending and descending movement of the three pairs of zang-fu organs.During the treatment,he maintains that we should mainly identify if the syndrome is in deficiency or excess in order to determine where the imbalance of qi movement in the zang fu organs is.During the treatment,the combination and modification of center-supplementing and qi-boosting decoction and stomach-heat-clearing powder can be employed to support the spleen and clear the stomach;modified Jiaotai pills can be administered to make the heart and kidney communicate well;and modified gentian liver-draining decoction can be given to soothe the liver and lower the lung qi.The medication needs to be modified according to the symptoms of the patients in order to achieve good therapeutic effects.


黑龙江中医药大学,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040黑龙江中医药大学附属第一医院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040



Qi movement theoryRecurrent oral ulcerExperience of famous doctor

《中医药学报》 2024 (001)

77-80 / 4


