

Multi-time Scale Optimal Scheduling Strategy for Microgrid Consider Scheduling Priority


随着负荷用户的大量增长,负荷侧可调资源逐渐增多,利用负荷侧需求响应资源参与微电网调度,以提升新能源消纳水平.为充分发挥需求响应资源调度潜力,优化用户侧负荷管理能力,提出一种计及调度优先级的微电网多时间尺度优化调度策略.首先根据不同需求响应资源响应特性进行划分,将价格型需求响应资源与激励型需求响应资源细分为5种类型,构建需求响应模型与调度时段进行匹配;其次,构建"日前-日内1h-日内15 min"的微电网多时间尺度优化调度模型,对微电网内各类可调资源进行优化调度,并针对直接影响用户用电行为的实时可调资源建立优先级权重;最后,以福建地区某实际微电网为例,仿真验证了该模型的有效性.

With the large increase of load users,the load side adjustable resources gradually increase,and the load side demand response(DR)resources are used to participate in microgrid scheduling to improve the level of new energy consumption.In order to give full play to the scheduling potential of DR resources and optimize the user side load management capability,a multi-time scale optimal scheduling strategy for microgrids that takes into account scheduling priorities was proposed.Firstly,according to the response characteristics of different DR resources,the price-based demand response(PDR)resources and incentive-based demand response(IDR)resources were subdivided into five types,and a DR model was constructed to match the scheduling period.Secondly,the multi-times cale optimal scheduling model of"day-intra-day 1 h-intra-day 15 min"was constructed,optimized scheduling of various adjustable resources in the microgrid,and established priority weights for real-time adjustable resources that have a direct impact on users'electricity consumption behavior.Finally,taking an actual microgrid as an example in Fujian,the simulation verifies the validity of the model.


国网福建省电力有限公司,福建 福州 350000



multi-time scale schedulingscheduling priorityuser evaluationdemand response(DR)resourcesmicrogrid

《电气传动》 2024 (001)

61-67,96 / 8


