

Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Size-Fractionated Chlorophyll-a in Litopenaeus vannamei Mariculture Ponds


"渔盐一体化"是山东省滨州市凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)盐田养殖的重要模式.为了解该模式下养殖水体浮游植物的叶绿素a(Chl-a)浓度、粒径结构的变化特征及主要影响因子,于2021年5-7月分别在养殖的初期、中期和收获期,测定高盐组(S=54)和对照组(S=32)养殖水体的分级Chl-a浓度[小型浮游植物(micro Chl-a)、微型浮游植物(nano Chl-a)、微微型浮游植物(pico Chl-a)、总Chl-a浓度]及相关环境参数的日变化和月变化.结果显示,日变化:对于总Chl-a浓度,高盐组无显著日变化(P>0.05),对照组在5月和6月存在显著的日差异(P<0.05).对于浮游植物粒径结构,高盐组7月的pico Chl-a日变化显著(P<0.05);对照组7月的micro Chl-a和6月的nano Chl-a日变化显著(P<0.05).月变化:两盐度组pico Chl-a、nano Chl-a和total Chl-a最低值和最高值都分别出现在6月和7月.且7月的总Chl-a显著高于5月和6月(P<0.05).高盐组水体中nano Chl-a占主要优势,随着养殖的进行粒径结构特性出现了演替,其中,pico Chl-a对总Chl-a贡献率由5月的6.43%提高至7月的16.81%,超过了 micro Chl-a的贡献率.对照组5月和6月以micro Chl-a占主要优势,分别占59.64%和57.49%,其次是nano Chl-a,分别占35.46%和36.90%,7月以nano Chl-a占主要优势,贡献率达53.09%.冗余分析(RDA)显示,Chl-a浓度与水温显著正相关,nano Chl-a的贡献率随温度升高而增加.高盐组总Chl-a浓度与硅酸盐浓度呈显著正相关,与磷酸盐、溶解有机氮、溶解有机磷浓度呈显著负相关;对照组总Chl-a与溶解有机氮显著正相关,与硅酸盐、亚硝酸盐浓度呈显著负相关.总体来讲,高盐组水体Chl-a浓度日变化较小,浮游植物粒级随养殖进行逐渐趋于小型化,可能与温度升高和较高的有机氮水平有关.

Aquaculture in large water bodies has become an important culture mode of Litopenaeus vannamei in coastal waters.Fractionated chlorophyll-a(Chl-a)and environmental factors of the large water ponds with high salinity(54,n=3)and the control ponds(32,n=3)were investigated from May to July 2020 to explore the variations in Chl-a,phytoplankton particle size,and the response to environmental factors during the aquaculture season.Pearson correlation analysis was performed to analyze the relationship between the environmental factors and the size-fractionated Chl-a concentration.Partial redundancy analysis(RDA)was applied to assess the effects of environmental factors(including silicate,active phosphate,ammonia salt,nitrite,nitrate,water temperature,salinity,dissolved organic nitrogen,and dissolved organophosphorus)on total Chl-a,Chl-a of micro phytoplankton(micro Chl-a),Chl-a of nano phytoplankton(nano Chl-a),and Chl-a of pico phytoplankton(pico Chl-a).The following results were obtained: 1)Diurnal variation of Chl-a:Total Chl-a of the high-salinity group showed no significant diurnal variation(P>0.05).Total Chl-a of the control group showed significant diurnal change in May and June(P<0.05).The highest value of total Chl-a in May occurred at 15:00,while the highest value of that in June was at 08:00.For size-fractionated Chl-a,pico Chl-a in the high-salinity group showed significant diurnal variation in July(P<0.05),with the highest value appearing at 12:00.Micro Chl-a in the control group showed significant diurnal changes in May,June,and July(P<0.05),and nano Chl-a in the control group showed significant diurnal changes in June(P<0.05). 2)Monthly changes of Chl-a:The lowest and highest values of total Chl-a occurred in June and July,respectively.Total Chl-a in July was significantly higher than that in May and June(P<0.05).For size-fractionated Chl-a,the pico Chl-a and nano Chl-a of the high-salinity group in July were significantly higher than those in May and June(P<0.05)and showed no significant difference between May and June(P>0.05).Pico Chl-a,nano Chl-a,and micro Chl-a of the control group in July were significantly higher than those in May and June(P<0.05)and showed no significant difference between May and June(P>0.05). 3)Contribution of size-fractionated phytoplankton in high-salinity and control groups:The contribution of micro Chl-a,nano Chl-a,and pico Chl-a to total Chl-a in the high-salinity group were(15.64±0.16)%,(73.81±0.13)%,and(10.55±0.06)%,respectively.Nano Chl-a was dominant in May,June,and July.The contribution of pico Chl-a increased from 6.43%in May to 16.81%in July,and exceeded that of micro Chl-a.The contributions of micro Chl-a,nano Chl-a,and pico Chl-a to total Chl-a in the control group were(52.29±0.10)%,(41.82±0.10)%,and(5.59±0.01)%,respectively.Micro Chl-a concentration had a major advantage in May and June,accounting for 59.64%and 57.49%,respectively.Nano Chl-a concentration accounted for 35.46%and 36.90%,respectively.By July,nano Chl-a had a major advantage,contributing to 53.09%. 4)Pearson correlation analysis showed no significant correlation between the diurnal variation of Chl-a and the environmental factors of the high-salinity group in May and June(P<0.05).Yet,the concentrations of nano Chl-a and total Chl-a were negatively correlated with the concentration of nitrate in July(P<0.05).The concentrations of micro Chl-a and total Chl-a were positively correlated with those of silicate(P<0.05).For the control group,Pearson correlation analysis showed a significant positive correlation between nano Chl-a and water temperature(P<0.05).Total Chl-a and phosphate were negatively correlated in May(P<0.05).There was a significant negative correlation between pico Chl-a and nitrate in July(P<0.05). 5)For the high-salinity group,RDA revealed a significant positive correlation between Chl-a and water temperature,and the contribution of nano Chl-a increased with the increase in temperature.Total Chl-a was positively correlated with silicate and negatively correlated with phosphate,dissolved organic nitrogen,and dissolved organophosphorus in the high-salinity group.For the control group,RDA showed that total Chl-a was positively correlated with dissolved organic nitrogen and negatively correlated with silicate and nitrite.In general,Chl-a in high-salinity ponds has a small diurnal variation,and the phytoplankton particle size gradually decreased with cultivation,which may be caused by the increasing temperature and high organic nitrogen concentration.


中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业农村部海洋渔业与可持续发展重点实验室 山东 青岛 266071||中国农业科学院研究生院 北京 100081中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业农村部海洋渔业与可持续发展重点实验室 山东 青岛 266071||海洋渔业科学与食物产出过程功能实验室 山东 青岛 266071中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所 农业农村部海洋渔业与可持续发展重点实验室 山东 青岛 266071



Litopenaeus vannameiChlorophyll-aSize fractionNutrientMariculture pond

《渔业科学进展》 2024 (001)

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