

Study on Transition Distance of Functionally Graded Materials Fabricated by Material Extrusion 3D Printing


近年来随着3D打印技术的飞速发展,材料挤出成型工艺制备功能梯度材料成为研究热点.材料之间的过渡是影响最终成型质量的关键因素.目前,国内外学者只研究了两种独立材料之间相互转变的过渡距离,对不同组分材料之间的转变研究较少.采用双料筒打印机研究了不同组分材料之间的过渡距离,并通过实验探究不同进给量对过渡距离的影响,在保证打印质量的前提下得到了过渡距离最小的进给量.以Visual Studio 2019为开发平台提出一种新的进料策略缩短过渡距离,在路径规划中对切片得到点的材料信息进行判断,对组分增大的材料根据变化值计算其进给量并输出生成新型G代码.最终,采用新型G代码进行打印实验,缩短了材料过渡距离得到了理想的材料过渡曲线.

With the rapid development of 3D printing technology in recent years,the material extrusion process to fabricate functionally graded materials has become a research hotspot.The transition between materials is the critical issue which affects the final molding quality.At present,only the transition distance between two independent materials has been studied by domestic and foreign scholars,and there were less research on the transition distance between materials with different components.The transition distance between different component materials was investigated by using a dual barrel printer,and through experiments to explore the influence of different feeds on the transition distance,the feed with the smallest transition distance was obtained under the premise of ensuring the print quality.Visual Studio 2019 was utilized as the development platform to propose a new feed strategy to shorten the transition distance,the materials information of the sliced points were judged in the path planning,for materials with increasing components,the feeds of two barrel printer were calculated based on the change values,and a new G-code was generated for printing.Finally,the new G-code was employed for printing experiments,which shorten the material transition distance and achieve the desired material transition curve.


河北工业大学 机械工程学院,天津 300401



3D printingmaterial extrusionfunctionally graded materialstransition distance

《机械科学与技术》 2024 (001)

81-89 / 9


