

The study of bearing characteristics of gravity penetration column anchor for offshore floating turbine


在浮式风电的建设中,可能遇到各种不同的土质条件.对于高渗透性的土体,如粗砂,采用吸力安装的风险较大.根据实际工程的需要,文章提出了重力安装式筒形锚.文章利用有限元方法对重力安装式筒形锚固基础的贯入过程和承载特性进行了分析.分析结果显示,在粗砂地基当中,该锚固基础可以通过自身的重量贯入至设计深度.与普通重力锚主要通过锚底摩擦提供抗滑力不同,重力安装式筒形锚在水平荷载作用下为浅层破坏,在破坏过程中可以调动更多的土阻力,从而有效提高了抗滑能力.该锚固基础形式可以提供超过2 000 t的水平承载力,接近常规重力锚的2倍,能够满足浮式风电的承载要求.此种锚固基础为我国海上浮式风机系泊锚型的确定提供了更多的选择.

In the construction of floating wind farms,various soil conditions may be faced.Based on the needs in practice,a kind of anchor named gravity penetration column anchor is proposed for the soil with high permeability,where has high risk of installation by suction.The finite element method was used to analyze the penetration process and bearing characteristics of this kind of anchor.The analysis results show that in the coarse sand,the gravity penetration column anchor can penetrate to the design depth by its own weight.Unlike ordinary gravity anchors,which mainly provide anti sliding force through friction at the anchor bottom,the gravity penetration column anchor is shallow failure under horizontal load,and can mobilize more soil resistance during the failure improving its anti sliding ability effectively.The gravity penetration column anchor can provide a horizontal bearing capacity of more than 2 000 t,which is nearly twice that of conventional gravity anchors,and can meet the bearing requirements of floating wind turbine.This kind of anchor could provide more choices for offshore floatingturbine in China.


中海油融风能源有限公司,上海 200120天津大学建工学院,天津 300072



gravity anchorfinite element methodpenetrationbearing capacity

《可再生能源》 2024 (001)


45-50 / 6

