

Classification,Evolution Trend,and Research Prospect of Rural Multifunction in Metropolitan Suburbs


大都市郊区是城乡融合发展的前沿阵地,未来如何通过功能拓展满足城市和居民的多元化需求,如何通过功能的优化组合和协同发展实现自身振兴,是城乡融合发展实践中亟需解决的现实问题.文章以Web of Science、中国知网等为文献来源数据库,运用文献调研法,系统梳理了相关文献,在客观辨识大都市城乡主体需求特征的基础上,梳理了大都市郊区乡村多功能的内涵、特征及分类,多功能演化动力机制与趋势,并对未来研究进行展望,结果表明:1)大都市郊区乡村多功能是为满足城乡居民各类需求、维持郊区乡村自身及所依托大都市融合共生和城乡协作发展所能提供的各类服务和功能的总和,率先响应城乡主体需求而分化和拓展.据此,基于乡村内生型和城镇引致型2类需求,设计了基于"三生"功能视角的大都市郊区乡村多功能分类体系;2)乡村多功能演化发展是自然地理系统、社会经济系统、政策与制度以及人类活动等共同作用的结果,其功能演化进程领先于一般乡村,率先呈现"生产功能现代化与特色化、生活功能便利化与人文化、生态功能绿色化与可持续"的发展趋势;3)从基础理论和分类体系构建、创新发展规划政策约束下乡村多功能分区识别方法、积极探索多功能协同的典型路径与模式、完善乡村多功能转型发展的政策支撑体系4个方面展望了大都市郊区乡村多功能未来协同演化的研究方向.

As a forward position to realize urban-rural integration development,the rural multi-functionality of metropolitan suburbs,which faces higher requirements in terms of governance,taking over the core functions of the metropolis and meeting its consumption needs,has recently gained much attention among scholars and policymakers.However,there is a shortage of comprehensive summaries of the rural multi-functional development rules(about patterns,differentiation characteristics,etc.)in metropolitan suburbs,as well as relatively little research specifically on the multi-functional development of such areas.This has led to the emergence of a range of issues such as unclear connotations,lack of guidance,and disability of revitalization.In the future,establishing how to meet the diversified needs of cities and residents through function expansion,and how to revitalize such rural areas through the optimal combination and coordinated development of functions will be key issues that need to be solved in the practice of urban-rural integration development.Consequently,based on scientific identification regarding different needs of the urban-rural subject in the metropolis,this paper first defines the connotation of the rural multi-functionality of metropolitan suburbs—the sum of all kinds of services and functions that can be provided to meet the various needs of urban and rural residents,maintain the suburban villages themselves,and rely on the integration and symbiosis of the metropolis and the coordinated development of urban and rural areas—and then presents a multi-functional classification system from the perspective of"production-living-ecology"functions.Second,this thesis summarizes the mechanisms and trends that motivate the evolution of multi-functionality in the suburban villages of the metropolis:1)Overall,the multi-functional development of rural areas is generally considered to be the result of the joint action of natural geographical systems,socio-economic systems,policies and systems,and human activities,similar to that of the evolution of traditional village functions.However,the contribution of such factors that influence the choice of direction of functional expansion,the speed of functional evolution,and changes in functional intensity in the suburban villages of the metropolis varies enormously.2)Compared with general rural areas,the rural multifunction of metropolitan suburbs is the first to present the evolution trend of"modernization and characterization of production functions,convenience and humanization of living functions,and greenization and sustainability of ecological functions."Finally,the innovative directions of the future collaborative evolution of rural multi-function in the suburbs of the metropolis are drawn from four aspects:1)construction of a basic theory and classification system,2)identification method of rural multi-functional zoning under the constraints of innovative development planning policies,3)active exploration of typical paths and modes of multi-function collaboration,and 4)improvement of the policy support system for the transformation and development of rural multi-function.This study will be of great significance in optimizing urban-rural relations in the metropolis,promoting urban-rural integration,and guiding the optimization and development of local rural functions and rural revitalization.


北京市农林科学院信息技术研究中心,北京 100097||中国地质大学(北京) 土地科学技术学院,北京 100083山东省地质矿产勘查开发局八〇一水文地质工程地质大队,济南 250014北京市农林科学院信息技术研究中心,北京 100097



metropolitan suburbsdemand of the urban-rural subjectrural multifunctionurban and rural integration developmentco-evolution

《热带地理》 2024 (001)

68-78 / 11


