

Cu-Al spinel oxide as a sustained release catalyst for methanol steam reforming:Enhancing the catalytic performance via surface reconstruction


Cu-Al尖晶石氧化物作为甲醇水蒸气重整制氢缓释催化剂,在反应过程中逐渐释放活性Cu,其催化行为与催化剂的表面结构密切相关.本研究采用酸碱溶液对固相球磨法合成的Cu-Al尖晶石催化剂进行表面处理,以期通过表面组成及结构的修饰来提高其催化性能.研究结果表明,硝酸、氨水、氢氧化钠溶液与催化剂的作用差别极大,酸处理去除了催化剂表面的Cu和Al物种,氢氧化钠溶液处理则主要去除了 Al物种,氨水溶液处理作用最弱,去除了极少量的Cu和A1.伴随着Cu、Al物种的流失,催化剂表面结构重组和铜物种再分布改变了铜的缓释行为.反应性能评价结果表明,硝酸和氨水处理改善了缓释催化性能,其中,硝酸处理后的催化剂表现出更优异的催化稳定性;而氢氧化钠溶液处理不利于缓释催化性能的提高.结合反应后催化剂表征结果,阐明缓释Cu粒径大小和Cu晶粒微观结构应变对催化性能发挥着重要作用.当前工作为提高缓释催化提供了一种切实可行的方法.

Cu-Al spinel oxide as a sustained release catalyst gradually releases active metal Cu during the methanol steam reforming reaction,whose catalytic behavior depends strongly on the surface structure of the catalyst.In this context,Cu-Al spinel solid solution is synthesized by a solid phase ball milling method,followed by treating with acidic and basic solutions in order to modulate the surface composition and structure,thereby to further improve the catalytic performance.Nitric acid is effective for the removal of both surface dispersed Cu and Al oxide species,whereas sodium hydroxide is only effective for the removal of Al oxide species,and ammonium hydroxide shows the weakest effect,removing a very small amount of Cu and Al species.Accompanying with the loss of Cu and Al species,the catalyst surface undergoes structural reconstruction,showing a redistribution of Cu species.Consequently,the copper releasing behavior varies drastically.The catalytic testing results show that the nitric acid and ammonium hydroxide treated catalysts present improved activity,where in the former also shows better stability.Sodium hydroxide treatment has a negative effect on the sustained releasing catalytic performance.In combination with the characterization results of the tested catalysts,it is found that both the copper particle dimension and the microstructure strain of sustained released copper play important roles in the catalytic performance.The findings of this report provide a practical method for the improvement of the sustained releasing catalysis.


山西师范大学化学与材料科学学院,山西太原 030032||山西虹安科技股份有限公司,山西太原 030032||中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,山西太原 030001安徽理工大学碳中和科学与工程学院,安徽合肥 231131晋中学院化学化工系,山西晋中 030619辽宁石油化工大学石油化工学院,辽宁抚顺 113001



Cu-Al spinelsurface modificationsurface reconstructionmethanol steam reforming

《燃料化学学报(中英文)》 2024 (001)

47-54 / 8

The project was supported by the Fundamental Research Program(Free Exploration)of Shanxi Province of China(20210302124338,20210302123358)and the Postdoctoral program of Administrative Committee of Taiyuan Economic Development Zone.山西省基础研究计划(自由探索类)(20210302124338,20210302123358)和太原经济开发区管理委员会博士后工作站资助

