

Experimental study on effect of fluid viscosity on salt-finger double diffusion convection flux


为研究盐指型双扩散对流过程中流体黏性对通量的影响,使用中间有移动挡板的试验水箱形成初始为静止状态的糖-盐双层系统,并通过调整糖、盐组分质量分数设计了 一系列密度稳定比相同而流体黏性不同的试验工况,进行了双扩散对流扩散通量变化规律的试验研究.试验结果表明:流体黏性对盐指型双扩散对流扩散通量的影响不可忽略,在双扩散对流强度相同的条件下,试验流体黏性越大,盐指型双扩散对流扩散通量越小;当试验流体的运动黏滞系数均小于1.15 mm2/s时,糖和盐这两种组分跨界面的双扩散对流扩散通量随流体黏性增大而减小的趋势相近,当两种组分的质量分数持续增大时,盐溶液的黏性仍缓慢增大,而糖溶液的黏性迅速变大,此时糖组分的跨界面双扩散对流扩散通量仍会随糖溶液黏性的增大而减小,但盐组分的跨界面双扩散对流扩散通量不再变化;Stern数与流体黏性呈负相关关系.

In order to study the effect of fluid viscosity on the flux during salt-finger double diffusion convection,an experimental tank with a moving baffle plate in the middle was used.The sugar-salt double-layer system was formed and was initially stationary.The experimental study for double diffusion convection flux was carried out by adjusting the mass fractions of the sugar and salt components to obtain a series of experimental conditions with the same density stability ratio and different fluid viscosities.The experimental results show that the influence of fluid viscosity on the flux of salt-finger double diffusion convection could not be ignored.Under the condition of the same double diffusion convection intensity,the greater the viscosity of the experimental fluids,the smaller the fluxes for the salt-finger double diffusion convection.When the kinematic viscosity coefficients of experimental fluids are less than 1.15 mm2/s,double diffusion convective fluxes of sugar and salt decrease with the increase of the fluid viscosities.When the mass fractions of the two component continue to increase,the viscosity of the salt solution still increases slowly while the viscosity of the sugar solution increases rapidly.The flux of sugar component between the stratified interface still decreases with the increase of the sugar solution viscosity.However,the flux of the salt component does not change.The Stern number is negatively correlated with the viscosity of the fluid.


长沙理工大学水利与环境工程学院,湖南 长沙 410114||水沙科学与水灾害防治湖南省重点实验室,湖南长沙 410114||湖南省环境保护河湖污染控制工程技术中心,湖南长沙 410114长沙理工大学水利与环境工程学院,湖南 长沙 410114||水沙科学与水灾害防治湖南省重点实验室,湖南长沙 410114



sugar-salt double-layer systemdouble diffusion convectionfluid viscositydiffusion fluxdensity stability ratio

《水利水电科技进展》 2024 (001)

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