

Effect of bisphenol A exposure on high-quality embryo rate of women with different ovarian reserve


目的 通过酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测不同卵巢储备状态不孕患者卵泡液内双酚A(bisphenol A,BPA)水平,探究其对促排卵过程中卵巢储备及胚胎质量的影响.方法 收集2022年1-6月在兰州大学第一医院生殖中心行体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)助孕的患者临床数据及其卵泡液.共纳入164例患者,包括卵巢储备正常(NOR)患者80例、卵巢储备功能减退(DOR)患者39例和多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)患者45例.采用ELISA法检测卵泡液中的BPA水平,并根据卵泡液BPA浓度四分位数将3组人群分亚组(由低至高分别为Q1~Q4亚组)分析,通过单因素Logistic回归分析探究BPA对不同卵巢储备状态女性优胚率的影响.结果 3组人群间年龄、基础卵泡刺激素(FSH)、抗苗勒管激素(AMH)水平、双侧窦状卵泡计数(AFC)和取卵数比较均有显著差异(P<0.05);PCOS组月经周期显著长于另外两组(P<0.05)、基础黄体生成素(LH)水平显著高于另外两组(P<0.05);3组人群间体质量指数(BM1)、不孕年限、初潮年龄、基础雌激素(E2)水平和受精方式无显著差异(P>0.05).PCOS 组 BPA 浓度显著高于 DOR 组[9.94(1.79,10.37)ppb vs.2.39(0.80,9.94)ppb,P<0.05],NOR组BPA浓度与另外两组无显著差异(P>0.05).NOR组中Q2亚组的优胚率显著低于Q1亚组(30.65%vs.41.87%,P<0.05),PCOS组Q2和Q4亚组的优胚率显著低于Q1亚组(分别为45.64%、37.99%vs.56.82%,P<0.05),DOR组各亚组的优胚率无显著差异性(P>0.05).单因素Logistic回归分析显示,3组人群中卵泡液BPA浓度均不显著影响优质胚胎率(P>0.05).结论 卵泡液双酚A浓度对不同卵巢储备状态女性的优胚率无显著影响,但鉴于NOR人群和PCOS人群中观察到较高浓度亚组优胚率下降,仍应加强对该物质致潜在风险的防控.

Objective:To explore impact of bisphenol A(BPA)on ovarian reserve and embryo quality during ovulation induction by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)to detect BPA level in follicular fluid of infertile patients with different ovarian reserve. Methods:The clinical data and follicular fluid of patients who accepted IVF-ET in the Reproductive Center of the First Hospital of Lanzhou University were collected.A total of 164 patients were selected,including 80 patients with normal ovarian reserve(NOR),39 patients with diminished ovarian reserve(DOR),and 45 patients with polycystic ovary syndrome(PCOS).The BPA level of follicular fluid was detected by ELISA.Based on the quartile of BPA concentration in follicular fluid,the patients in three groups were divided into subgroups(Q1-Q4 subgroups from low to high)for analysis.The effect of BPA on the good-quality embryo rate of women with different ovarian reserves was analyzed by univariate logistic regression analysis. Results:There were significant differences in age,basal FSH level,anti-Mullerian hormone(AMH)level,bilateral antral follicle count(AFC),and oocytes retrieval number among the three groups of patients(P<0.05).The menstrual cycle length of the PCOS group was significantly longer than that of the other two groups(P<0.05),and the basal LH level was significantly higher than that of the other two groups(P<0.05).There were no significant differences in body mass index(BMI),infertility years,age of menarche,basal estrogen(E2)level,and fertilization mode among the three groups(P>0.05).The concentration of BPA in the PCOS group was significantly higher than that in the DOR group[9.94(1.79,10.37)ppb vs.2.39(0.80,9.94)ppb,P<0.05].There were no significant differences in BPA content between the NOR group and the other two groups(P>0.05).In the NOR group,the good-quality embryo rate in the Q2 subgroup significantly decreased than the Q1 subgroup(30.65%vs.41.87%,P<0.05).In the PCOS group,the good-quality embryo rate in the Q2 and Q4 subgroups was significantly lower than that in the Q1 subgroup(45.64%,37.99%vs.56.82%,P<O.05).There was no significant difference in good-quality embryo rate among the subgroups of the DOR group(P>0.05).The results of univariate Logistic regression analysis showed that BPA concentration in follicular fluid had no significant impact on good-quality embryo rate in all three groups(P>0.05). Conclusions:BPA concentration in folliaular fluid has no significant relationship with the good-quality embryo rate in the women with different ovarian reserves.However,a decrease in the good-quality embryos rate was observed in the higher BPA concentration subgroup of NOR and PCOS patients,and it is still necessary to strengthen the prevention and control of potential risks caused by this substance.


兰州大学第一临床医学院,兰州 730000兰州大学第一临床医学院,兰州 730000||兰州大学第一医院,兰州 730000||甘肃省生殖医学与胚胎重点实验室,兰州 730000兰州大学第一临床医学院,兰州 730000||兰州大学第一医院,兰州 730000



Environmental endocrine disruptorsBisphenol AEmbryo qualityPolycystic ovary syndromeDiminished ovarian reserve

《生殖医学杂志》 2024 (001)

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