首页|期刊导航|纳微快报(英文)|Recent Developments in Metallic Degradable Micromotors for Biomedical and Environmental Remediation Applications

Recent Developments in Metallic Degradable Micromotors for Biomedical and Environmental Remediation ApplicationsOACSTPCD

Recent Developments in Metallic Degradable Micromotors for Biomedical and Environmental Remediation Applications


Synthetic micromotor has gained substantial attention in biomedi-cine and environmental remediation.Metal-based degradable micromotor com-posed of magnesium(Mg),zinc(Zn),and iron(Fe)have promise due to their nontoxic fuel-free propulsion,favorable biocompatibility,and safe excretion of degradation products Recent advances in degradable metallic micromotor have shown their fast movement in complex biological media,efficient cargo delivery and favorable biocompatibility.A noteworthy number of degradable metal-based micromotors employ bubble propulsion,utilizing water as fuel to generate hydro-gen bubbles.This novel feature has projected degradable metallic micromotors for active in vivo drug delivery applications.In addition,understanding the degrada-tion mechanism of these micromotors is also a key parameter for their design and performance.Its propulsion efficiency and life span govern the overall perfor-mance of a degradable metallic micromotor.Here we review the design and recent advancements of metallic degradable micromotors.Furthermore,we describe the controlled degradation,efficient in vivo drug delivery,and built-in acid neutralization capabilities of degradable micromotors with versatile biomedical applications.Moreover,we discuss micromotors'efficacy in detecting and destroying environmental pollutants.Finally,we address the limitations and future research directions of degradable metallic micromotors.

Sourav Dutta;Seungmin Noh;Roger Sanchis Gual;Xiangzhong Chen;Salvador Pané;Bradley J.Nelson;Hongsoo Choi

Department of Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering,Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology(DGIST),Daegu 42988,Republic of Korea||DGIST-ETH Microrobotics Research Center,DGIST,Daegu 42988,Republic of KoreaMulti-Scale Robotics Lab,Institute of Robotics and Intelligent Systems,ETH Zurich,8092 Zurich,SwitzerlandInstitute of Optoelectronics,State Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Science and Technology,Shanghai Frontiers Science Research Base of Intelligent Optoelectronics and Perception,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,People's Republic of China

MagnesiumZincIronBiodegradable microrobotBiomedicalEnvironmental

《纳微快报(英文)》 2024 (003)

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This work was financially supported by the National Convergence Research of Scientific Challenges through the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)and the DGIST R&D Program(No.2021M3F7A1082275 and 23-CoE-BT-02)funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT.Open access funding provided by Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

