

Study on the Extraction Technology of Instant Green Tea Prepared from Tea Fragments


为提高碎茶末利用价值,优化速溶绿茶提取工艺,以安康绿茶加工过程中产生的碎茶末为原料,采用超声波提取技术制备速溶绿茶,考察浸提时间、浸提温度、茶水比对速溶绿茶品质及提取率的影响,通过单因素及正交试验确定速溶绿茶的最优提取工艺.结果表明,超声波提取时间20 min,提取温度30 ℃,茶水比1∶25为最佳提取条件.在此条件下,速溶绿茶得率为24.67%,茶多酚含量为13.78%、游离氨基酸含量为2.30%、咖啡碱含量为3.32%、可溶性糖总量为9.04%.所制得的速溶绿茶干茶色泽嫩绿,汤色黄绿尚亮,滋味醇厚鲜爽,溶解性良好.经优化后的速溶绿茶超声波提取工艺设计合理、稳定可行且重复性高,所制速溶绿茶品质较优.

In order to improve the utilization of tea fragments and optimize the extraction technology of instant green tea,ultrasonic extraction technology was used to prepare instant green tea from the tea fragments produced in the processing of Ankang green tea.The effects of extraction time,extraction temperature,ratio of tea to water on the quality and extraction rate of instant green tea were investigated.The optimal extraction technology was determined by single factor and orthogonal test.The results show that the optimal extraction time,extraction temperature and ratio of tea to water were 15 min,30 ℃ and 1:25.Under these conditions,the yield of instant green tea was 24.67%,the content of tea polyphenols was 13.78%,the content of free amino acids was 2.30%,the content of caffeine was 3.32%,and the total soluble sugar was 9.04%.The instant green tea has a tender green color and a bright yellow and green soup color,with a rich and fresh taste and good solubility.The optimized ultrasonic extraction technology for instant green tea is rea-sonable,stable,feasible and reproducible,and the instant green tea has excellent quality.


安康学院,陕西安康 725000||陕西省茶叶省市共建重点实验室,陕西安康 725000安康学院,陕西安康 725000安康市富硒产品研发中心,陕西安康 725099



tea fragmentsinstant green teaultrasonic extractionorthogonal test

《中国茶叶》 2024 (001)

48-53,60 / 7

中国富硒产业研究院富硒专项研发计划项目(2021 FXZX01-01)、大学生创新创业训练计划项目(AKXY2022038)、安康学院乡村振兴专项(2022AYXCZX01)
