

Research on Urban Resilience Improvement Paths in the Context of Digital China-Based on Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy Sets


增强城市韧性既是城市提升恢复能力和适应能力的重要保障,也是城市高质量发展的重要支撑.目前"数字中国"建设步伐不断加快,城市数字化对城市新形态的塑造具有重要影响作用,进而深度赋能提升城市韧性.该文运用组态思维和fsQCA方法对我国45 个城市研究影响因素的协同联动机制,最后得出城市韧性的驱动路径.研究发现:①单一条件变量并不是城市韧性的必要条件;②实现高韧性城市的路径有 3 条,即数字经济与数字基础设施主导型、数字经济与数字政府主导型、"四轮"驱动型;③数字经济和数字政府两个条件变量对城市韧性具有更为重要的作用.因此,韧性较低的城市可以依据自身资源禀赋,因城施策,选择适宜的韧性提升路径,从而有效地提升城市韧性.

Enhancing urban resilience is an important guarantee for cities to improve their resilience and a-daptability,and can also provide strong and steady development of cities.With great changes to the way of life,the digital transformation has played an important role in shaping the new form of cities.we use the fsACA to study the synergistic linkage mechanism of influencing factors in 45 cities in China,and finally obtain the driving path of ur-ban resilience.The results show that:(1)A single conditional variable does not constitute a necessary condition for high urban resilience;(2)There are three ways to realize resilient cities,namely digital economy and digital infrastructure oriented,digital economy and digital government oriented,and"four-wheel"driven;(3)The two conditional variables of digital economy and digital government play a more important role in urban resilience.Therefore,cities with low resilience can choose appropriate resilience improvement paths based on their own re-source endowments,so as to effectively improve urban resilience.


山西工商学院 建筑工程学院,山西 太原 030006山西财经大学 管理科学与工程学院,山西 太原 030006山西财经大学 工商管理学院,山西 太原 030006



digital Chinaurban resilienceconfiguration pathfsQCA

《灾害学》 2024 (001)

6-10,16 / 6


