

Exploration and measurement of the human body's regulatory gate——based on the perspective of modern anatomy and classical acupuncture



There exists a sophisticated regulatory system in the human body,which has been explored by Chinese and Western medicine from different paths.The regulatory nodes discovered by modern anatomy are called"hilum",while those found by classical acupuncture are named"acupoints".The findings of both sides overlap and complement one another,and the reciprocal dialogue between them will aid in creating a more integrated and accurate map of the human regulatory system.The prerequisite for effective dialogue is to compile a dictionary of relevant concept discrimination and integration on the basis of the overall research of Chinese and Western medicine on the regulation system of the human body,and further investigate and compare the exploration process,detection ways and regulation methods of the"hilum"and"acupoint"structures of the two sides,identify their respective advantages and shortcomings,and propose actionable cooperation solutions.In order to combine traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine more appropriately,we need to develop an effective method to obtain the most valuable communication at the bottom of both theories.


中国中医科学院针灸研究所 北京 100700



human regulatory systemneurovascular bundleneurovascular hilumhilum-pedicle structureempirical anatomy of acupointsmicroanatomical study

《现代中医临床》 2024 (001)

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