

Anatomical structure of the Erjian acupoint(LI 2)


目的 探索二间穴实体解剖结构.方法 ①查阅归纳古籍中二间穴定位.②对30 名志愿者进行体表按压,确定出现"穴感"位置并标记.③根据标记,在示指近节指骨基底部区域不同深度针刺,确定针刺出现"穴感"时针尖所在位置、深度,参照断层解剖图谱确定穴体初步判定穴体的三维定位.④在10 侧新鲜人体上肢标本上,根据体表按压和针刺确定的二间穴位置进行显微解剖,探索穴位实体解剖结构.⑤针刺志愿者二间穴出现穴感时,用B超确认针尖所在位置⑥超声显像仪找到解剖所发现的二间穴实体结构,在 B 超引导下针刺该位置与其周围组织,验证其区别.结果 ①古籍描述二间穴在手大指次指本节后内侧陷中.②按压出现穴感的位置在示指近节指骨桡背侧凹陷处.③针刺示指近节指骨桡背侧凹陷处时穴感最强烈.④显微解剖发现二间穴处有滋养血管进入指骨.⑤针刺二间穴出现穴感时,针尖位于示指近节指骨基底桡背侧骨门.⑥B超下证实示指近节指骨基底桡背侧骨门是二间穴实体解剖结构.结论 二间穴的实体结构为示指近节指骨基底部桡背侧的骨门.穴下有指掌侧固有动脉背侧支,由其发出的骨滋养血管进入示指近节指骨基底桡背侧.

Objective To explore the anatomical structure of the Erjian acupoint(LI 2).Methods ① Revi-ewing and summarizing the ancient literature regarding the location of the Erjian point.② Applying surface pressure on 30 volunteers to determine and mark the position where an"acupoint sensation"occurs.③ Conducting acupuncture at varying depths in the basal region of the proximal phalanx of the index finger,based on the marked locations,to determine the needle tip's position and depth when the"acupoint sensation"arises during acupuncture.Preliminary three-dimensional localization of the acupoint body was assessed by referencing sectional anatomical maps.④ Microscopic dissection on fresh upper limb specimens from ten individuals explored the anatomical entity at the identified Erjian locations using surface pressure and acupuncture.⑤Using ultrasonography to confirm the needle tip's position when an acupoint sensation arises during acupuncture at the Erjian point.⑥ Identifying the anatomical entity structure of the Erjian acupoint using an ultrasound imaging device,verifying the differentiation between its location and surrounding tissues under ultrasonographic guidance.Results ① According to the ancient texts,the Erjian acupoint is situated in the medial depression of the proximal phalanx of the index finger.② Acupoint sensations were elicited at the radial dorsal depression of the proximal phalanx of the index finger upon pressure.③ The most intense acupoint sensation occurred when needling the dorsal radial depression of the proximal phalanx of the index finger.④ Microscopic dissection revealed nutrient vessels entering the phalanx at the Erjian acupoint.⑤ When acupuncture was performed at the Erjian point,the needle tip was positioned at the dorsal radial bony hilum of the base of the proximal phalanx of the index finger.⑥ Ultrasonography confirmed the dorsal radial bony hilum of the base of the proximal phalanx of the index finger as the solid anatomical structure of the Erjian acupoint.Conclusion The solid anatomical structure of the Erjian acupoint is located at the radial dorsal bony hilum near the basal region of the proximal phalanx.The presence of the inherent dorsal branch of the volar artery indicates the entry of bone-nourishing blood vessels into the radial dorsal basal region of the proximal phalanx.


山东第一医科大学附属省立医院 济南 250021山东中医药大学中医文献与文化研究院纽约中医学院



Erjian(LI 2)anatomyphysicalanatomyhilum of bone

《现代中医临床》 2024 (001)

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