

Prof.Wang Qingguo's experience in treating ulcerative colitis based on adjusting the pivot


溃疡性结肠炎是一种反复发作的炎症性肠道疾病,属于中医"久痢""肠澼"等范畴."开、阖、枢"理论由《黄帝内经》首次提出,太阳为开,阳明为阖,少阳为枢.枢机为人体气机运行的关键,枢机不利则气血阴阳失调,百病丛生.王庆国教授认为本病的关键病机是枢机不利,进而产生脾虚湿滞,大肠湿热,肝郁脾虚等多种证型.在临证治疗上,王教授从调和枢机入手,巧用升阳益胃汤、柴胡桂枝干姜汤、四逆散、乌梅丸等多个方药加减化裁,疗效显著.本文介绍了溃疡性结肠炎以枢机立论的病因病机,用药治法,并附上王庆国教授的临床验案 1 则加以佐证,以期为溃疡性结肠炎的临床辨证论治提供参考.

Ulcerative colitis(UC)is a recurrent inflammatory bowel disease that falls within the realm of traditional Chinese medicine categories such as jiuli(chronic dysentery)and changpi(intestinal dysentery).The theory of"open,close,and pivot"was initially proposed in the Huangdi Neijing,stating that taiyang is related to opening,yangming to closing,and shaoyang to the pivot.The pivot is vital for the flow of qi and blood in the body,and its dysfunction may lead to imbalances in yin-yang and various illnesses.Prof.Wang Qingguo identifies the pivotal dysfunction as the key pathomechanism,resulting in clinical syndromes such as spleen deficiency and dampness,large intestine dampness and heat,and liver constraint and spleen deficiency.In clinical practice,Prof.Wang starts by adjusting the pivot,adeptly using multiple prescriptions like Shengyang Yiwei Decoction(Yang-Raising and Stomach-Boosting Decoction),Chaihu Guizhi and Ganjiang Decoction(Bupleurum,Cinnamon Twig and Dried Ginger Decoction),Sini Powder(Frigid Extremities Powder),and Wumei Pill(Mume Pill)with modifications,achieving significant clinical effects.This article elaborates on the etiology and pathogenesis of UC based on the pivot theory,the medication and treatment,and includes clinical cases by Prof.Wang Qingguo,aiming to offer guidance for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of UC.


北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029



ulcerative colitisopening and closing pivotclassical prescriptioncurrent prescriptionfamous physicians'experienceWang Qingguo

《现代中医临床》 2024 (001)

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