

Professor Du Huaitang's experience in treating acute coughs tailored to Beijing's four-season climate characteristics


咳嗽是一种机体的防御性神经反射,为呼吸科门诊的常见症状.咳嗽时间小于3 周的称为急性咳嗽,属于中医学"外感咳嗽"范畴.杜怀棠教授对于治疗肺系疾病有着独到的见解,根据北京地理位置及气候特点,春季咳嗽治以清肺疏风止咳,予止嗽散合泻白散为基础方;夏季咳嗽治以清暑化湿止咳,予藿香正气散为基础方化裁;初秋和深秋咳嗽分而治之,初秋应延续夏季治疗暑湿咳嗽之思路,深秋时节凉燥治以温润止咳,予杏苏散加减;冬季咳嗽治以清宣肺热、化痰止咳,予麻杏石甘汤化裁加减.并结合临床病案对杜教授从北京四季气候特点论治急性咳嗽的经验进行介绍.

Coughing represents a defensive neurological response of the body,remains a prevalent symptom in respiratory clinics.Defined as lasting less than 3 weeks,acute cough falls within the scope of waigan kesou(externally-contracted coughing)in traditional Chinese medicine.Prof.Du Huaitang offers distinctive perspectives onthe treatment of lung diseases.Taking into account the geographical location and climate characteristics of Beijing,his approach to treating coughs aligns with seasonal variations:during spring,emphasizing clearing the lungs,dispersing wind,and relieving cough,with Zhisou Powder(Cough-Stopping Powder)and Xiebai Powder(White-Draining Powder)as foundational formulas;for summer coughs,focusing on clearing summer heat,eliminating dampness,and relieving coughs,with Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder(Agastache Qi-Correcting Powder)as the core formula,which may be modified as needed;distinguishing between early and late autumn coughs,continuing the approach for dampness-related coughs from summer to early autumn,and transitioning to moistening dryness to relieve coughs using Xingsu Powder(Apricot Kernel and Perilla Powder)in late autumn;addressing winter coughs by clearing lung heat,resolving phlegm,and halting coughs,through a modified version of Maxing Shigan Decoction(Ephedra,Apricot Kernel,Gypsum and Licorice Decoction).This review,integrating clinical cases,introduces Professor Du's expertise in treating acute coughs,tailored to the distinct four-season climate characteristics of the capital city.


北京中医药大学东方医院 北京 100078北京中医药大学北京中医药大学东直门医院



Du Huaitangseasonacute coughsBeijing

《现代中医临床》 2024 (001)

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