

Analysis on the application of Xin'an physicians'theory of consolidating the foundation and cultivating the original qi in the recovery of epidemic diseases



Following the invasion of external epidemic pathogens into the human body,the righteous qi struggles to counteract these invasive forces,leading to a depletion of the body's vital energy due to the continued assault of pathogenic influences.Therefore,during the recovery period,patients often exhibit signs of significant loss of vitality.In response,Xin'an physicians have implemented the strategy of strengthening the foundation and nurturing the original qi,a distinctive principle within Xin'an Medicine,during the recovery period of epidemic diseases.This therapeutic treatment focuses on not only nourishing the genuine original qi of the human body,but also regulating the spleen and stomach,the foundation of acquired constitution.In the context of disease recovery,specific applications involve:simultaneous treatment of the lungs and spleen to facilitate the harmonious recovery of ascending and descending functions;emphasizing both spleen and stomach,cultivating soil to fortify the body against external pathogenic influences;nourishing the ying and wei qi and safeguard the foundation;nourishing kidney water and nurturing innate vitality;nourishing yin and maintaining moisture to protecte yin and the body's vital fluids.


北京中医药大学第二临床医学院 北京 100078北京中医药大学中医学院首都医科大学附属北京中医医院皮肤科黄山市人民医院中医科



Xin'an Medicineconsolidate the foundation and cultivate the original qirecoveryepidemic diseases

《现代中医临床》 2024 (001)

99-102 / 4


