

Low-Carbon Optimal Dispatch of Integrated Energy System Considering Demand Response under the Tiered Carbon Trading Mechanism


为了进一步降低综合能源系统(integrated energy system,IES)碳排放量,提升其能源利用率,提出了一种在阶梯式碳交易机制下考虑需求响应(demand response,DR)的IES优化调度策略.首先从需求响应角度出发,考虑到多种能源之间具备协同互补与灵活转换的能力,引入电-气-热的横向时移与纵向互补替代策略并构建DR模型;其次从全生命周期评估的角度出发,阐述碳排放权初始配额模型,并对其加以修正,然后引入阶梯式碳交易机制,对IES的碳排放进行约束;最后以能源购买成本、碳排放交易成本、设备维护成本、需求响应成本之和最小化为目标,并考虑安全约束构建低碳优化调度模型.利用Matlab软件将原问题转化为混合整数线性问题,并使用CPLEX求解器对模型进行优化求解.算例结果表明,在阶梯式碳交易机制下考虑碳交易成本和需求响应,可以使IES的运行总成本下降5.69%,碳排放量降低17.06%,显著提高了 IES的可靠性、经济性和低碳性.

To further reduce the carbon emissions of integrated energy systems(IES)and improve their energy utilization,an IES optimization scheduling strategy considering demand response(DR)under a stepped carbon trading mechanism was proposed.First,from the perspective of demand response(DR),considering the synergistic complementarity and flexible conversion ability of multiple energy sources,lateral time-shifting and vertical complementary alternative strategies for electricity,gas,and heat were introduced,and a DR model was constructed.Second,from the perspective of life-cycle assessment,the initial quota model of carbon emissions allowances was elaborated and revised.Subsequently,we introduced a tiered carbon trading mechanism that imposes a certain degree of constraint on the carbon emissions of IES.Finally,the sum of the energy purchase,carbon emission transaction,equipment maintenance,and demand response costs was minimized,and a low-carbon optimal scheduling model was constructed considering the safety constraints.This model transforms the original problem into a mixed-integer linear problem using Matlab software and optimizes the model using the CPLEX solver.The example results show that considering the carbon trading cost and demand response under the tiered carbon trading mechanism,the total operating cost of the IES is reduced by 5.69%,and the carbon emissions are reduced by 17.06%,which significantly improves the reliability,economy,and low-carbon performance of the IES.


电力系统仿真控制与绿色电能新技术教育部重点实验室(东北电力大学),吉林省吉林市 132012东北电力大学计算机学院,吉林省吉林市 132012



tiered carbon tradingintegrated energy systemsdemand responsetransverse time-shifting and longitudinal complementary substitutionlow-carbon optimization

《电力建设》 2024 (002)

102-114 / 13

This work is supported by Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province(No.YDZJ202101ZYTS149).吉林省自然科学基金项目(YDZJ202101ZYTS149)

