

Variation Law Analysis of Precipitable Water Vapor by Ground-based GPS Based on Singular Spectrum Analysis


利用GAMIT/GLOBK10.7对日本地区20个GPS测站2010-2019年数据进行解算,并进行精度评定.首先利用奇异谱分析和快速傅里叶变换方法探测可降水汽含量(PWV)的周期项和趋势项,并提出了奇异谱分析与最小二乘拟合相结合的PWV变化速率估算方法,有效避免了周期项和噪声对PWV变化速率的影响;然后深入分析和研究了日本地区PWV的时间变化和空间分布特点.结果表明,GAMIT/GLOBK10.7对数据解算的时间序列精度为3.35 mm;2010-2019年日本地区PWV呈明显上升趋势,上升速率为0.13 mm/a;日本地区PWV存在明显的周年周期信号和半年周期信号,且周年周期的信号强度大于半年周期;PWV呈沿海高、内陆低,南北部高、中部低的特点.研究结果可为气候变化研究提供了一定的基础参考资料.

We used GAMIT/GLOBK 10.7 to process the 10-year data of 20 GPS stations in Japan from 2010 to 2019,and evaluated their accura-cy in this paper.Firstly,we used singular spectrum analysis(SSA)and fast Fourier transform(FFT)to detect the periodic term and trend term of precipitable water vapor(PWV),and proposed a PWV change rate estimation method by combining SSA and least square fitting,which could ef-fectively avoid the influence of periodic term and noise on PWV change rate.Then,we deeply analyzed and studied the temporal variation char-acteristics and spatial distribution characteristics of PWV in Japan.The results show that the accuracy of time series is 3.35 mm by GAMIT/GLOBK.The PWV in Japan shows an obvious upward trend from 2010 to 2019,with an upward rate of 0.13 mm/a,accompanied by obvious pe-riodic changes.Spatially,PWV in Japan is high in the coastal area,low in the inland area,high in the north and south,and low in the central area.The research results can provide some basic references for climate change research.


山东省国土测绘院,山东 济南 250013山东省水利科学研究院,山东 济南 250014



GPSPWVSSAFFTspatio-temporal distribution law

《地理空间信息》 2024 (001)

69-73 / 5


