

Carboniferous-Permian tectonopalaeogeogr aphy and prototype basin evolution in eastern Xinjiang,NW China


石炭纪—二叠纪是东疆地区洋-陆转换的关键构造转折期,期间发生了多次洋壳闭合和陆陆碰撞活动.基于东疆地区洋盆性质、沟-弧-盆俯冲事件和陆陆碰撞的复杂性,目前针对东疆地区盆地晚古生代地层格架对比以及沉积充填特征认识不足.文中以活动论构造古地理思想为指导,复原东疆地区盆山构造带的构造-沉积面貌,厘定各构造地层单元的构造-沉积环境,从沉积充填、构造演化复原、周缘构造环境等角度来综合地、动态地开展原型盆地恢复.研究结果表明:东疆地区经历了早石炭世伸展、早石炭世末期—晚石炭世早期弱伸展、晚石炭世末期挤压、早二叠世早期伸展、早二叠世末期挤压5期伸展聚敛旋回,随后经历了晚二叠世、晚三叠世、晚侏罗世、晚白垩世—古近纪、晚新生代5期构造改造过程.盆山构造复原揭示了石炭纪吐哈盆地南部边界距现今盆山边界向南46~70km,石炭纪准东盆地北部克拉美丽山距现今向北约30 km,三塘湖盆地北部造山带石炭纪边界距今约55 km.东疆地区沉积环境经历了从石炭纪海相到早二叠世海陆过渡相再到中晚二叠世陆相的沉积演化,石炭纪发育海相的弧相关断陷盆地、裂谷边缘盆地、断陷盆地,早二叠世以发育海相、陆相断陷盆地为主,中二叠世主要发育陆相坳陷盆地,晚二叠世发育挤压型坳陷盆地.解析东疆地区盆山构造格局及石炭纪—二叠纪构造古地理演化,为探究东疆地区主要沉积盆地石炭系—二叠系成藏条件、源-储组合分布奠定良好基础.

Carboniferous-Permian period was the key tectonic transition period in the ocean-continen-tal transition in the eastern Xinjiang region,during which multiple oceanic crust closure and continental collision occurred.Due to the complexities of ocean basin properties,trench-arc-basin subduction events and land-land collisions in the eastern Xinjiang region,there is insufficient understanding of the late Paleozoic stratigraphic framework comparison and sedimentary filling characteristics in the basin.The theory of active tectonic palaeogeography was used to restore the tectonic-sedimentary features of basin-mountain tectonic belt in the eastern Xinjiang region,and the tectonic-sedimentary environment of each tectonic stratigraphic unit was determined.The prototype basin restoration was carried out comprehensively and dynamically from the perspectives of sedimentary filling,tectonic evolution restoration and the peri-pheral tectonic environment.The results show that the eastern Xinjiang region experienced five stages of ex-tension and convergence cycles:Early Carboniferous extension,late Early Carboniferous-early Late Car-boniferous weak extension,late Late Carboniferous compression,early Early Permian extension,and late Early Permian compression.Subsequently,5 tectonic transformation processes occurred:Late Permian,Late Triassic,Late Jurassic,Late Cretaceous-Paleogene and Late Cenozoic.The reconstruction of the ba-sin-mountain tectonic pattern reveals that the southern boundary of the Tuha Basin in the Carboniferous pe-riod is approximately 46-70 km south of the present basin-mountain boundary.The Kelameili Mountains in the northern part of the eastern Junggar Basin during the Carboniferous period were approximately 30 km north of the current boundary.The northern orogenic belt of the Santanghu Basin in the Carboniferous period has a boundary of about 55 km south of the current boundary.The sedimentary environment ex-perienced a transition from the Carboniferous marine to the Early Permian marine-continental transitional phase,and then to Middle-Late Permian continental facies.During the Carboniferous period,the marine arc-related rift basins,rift marginal basins and rift basins were developed.During the early Permian,ma-rine and continental rift basins were mainly developed.During the middle Permian period,continental de-pression basins were mainly developed.During the late Permian period,compressional depression basins developed.The analysis of basin-mountain tectonic patterns and tectonic palaeogeographic evolution of the Carboniferous-Permian strata in the eastern Xinjiang region lays a good foundation for exploring the reser-voir formation conditions and source-reservoir combination distribution of the Carboniferous-Permian period in the main sedimentary basins of the eastern Xinjiang region.


中国地质大学(北京)能源学院,北京 100083中国石油吐哈油田分公司勘探开发研究院,新疆哈密 839009



eastern XinjiangJungaar BasinTuha BasinSantanghu BasinCarboniferousPermiantectonopalaeogeographyprototype basin

《古地理学报》 2024 (001)

78-99 / 22

国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号:U19B6003-01-01)和中国石油天然气集团股份专项(编号:2021DJ0306)联合资助.Co-fund-ed by the key project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.U19B6003-01-01)and the project of China National Petroleum Corp(No.2021DJ0306)

