

Effect of reducing the application of slow-release urea on yield and nitrogen use efficiency of winter wheat


为优化旱地小麦高效施氮管理,实现高效生产目标,通过2 a(2019-2020年度和2020-2021年度)田间试验,设不施肥(CK)、不施氮(T1)、300 kg·hm-2尿素N(T2,常规施氮处理)、300 kg.hm-2缓释尿素N(T3)、195 kg·hm-2缓释尿素N(T4)和90 kg·hm-2缓释尿素N(T5)6个处理,分析不同缓释尿素减施量对农田土壤硝态氮分布及累积、氮素吸收与转运、冬小麦产量和氮素利用效率的影响.结果表明,缓释尿素减施处理(T4和T5)显著降低收获期0~200 cm 土层的土壤NO--N累积量,同时提高0~40 cm 土层NO3--N占比.施用缓释尿素显著提高冬小麦氮素转运量和花后氮素吸收量,T3处理较当地常规施氮处理分别提高12.9%和13.6%.氮素转运对籽粒的贡献率随缓释尿素减施比例的增加呈先增后降的变化趋势,T4处理最大,较其他施氮处理提高0.2%~50.0%.施用缓释尿素可不同程度地改善冬小麦产量构成因素和提高产量;T4处理两年产量分别为8 434、9 060 kg·hm-2,2019-2020年度较T2和T3处理分别提高19.7%和13.9%,2020-2021年度分别提高17.3%和10.4%,其经济效益2019-2020年度较T2和T3处理分别提高33.3%和34.0%,2020-2021年度分别提高26.8%和23.2%.缓释尿素减施显著降低氮素表观损失,提高了氮素利用效率和氮肥偏生产力.通过拟合分析发现,缓释尿素施用量为208.7 kg·hm-2时,两年产量分别为8 054、8 806 kg·hm-2,净效益分别为6 890、8 475 CNY·hm-2,NHI分别为78.2%和78.9%,可实现西北旱区冬小麦高产高效.

To optimize the efficient nitrogen application management of dryland wheat and achieve the goal of efficient production,A 2-year field experiment(2019-2020 and 2020-2021)was conducted to explore the effects of slow-release urea application reduction on yield and nitrogen utilization of winter wheat.The treatments included no fertilization(CK),no N(T1),300 kg·hm-2 urea N(T2,conventional nitrogen application),300 kg·hm-2 slow-release urea N(T3),195 kg·hm-2 slow-release urea N(T4),and 90 kg·hm-2 slow-release urea N(T5).The results showed that the slow-release urea treatment(T4 and T5)significantly reduced the NO3-N accumulation amount in 0~200 cm soil layer and increased the NO3-N proportion in 0~40 cm soil layer.Application of slow-re-lease urea significantly increased nitrogen transfer volume and post-blooming nitrogen uptake of winter wheat,and T3 treatment increased 12.9%and 13.6%,respectively,compared with the local conventional nitrogen treatment.The contribution rate of nitrogen transport to grain increased first and then decreased with the increase of the reduc-tion rate of slow-release urea application,and reached the maximum under T4 treatment,which increased by 0.2%~50.0%compared with other nitrogen treatments.The application of slow-release urea improved the yield compo-nents and increased the yield to varying degrees.The 2-year yield of T4 treatment was 8 434 and 9 060 kg·hm-2,which increased by 19.7%and 13.9%in 2019-2020,and 17.3%and 10.4%in 2020-2021 compared with T2 and T3 treatment,and the economic benefit increased by 33.3%and 34.0%in 2019-2020,and 26.8%and 23.2%in 2020-2021 compared with T2 and T3 treatment,respectively.The reduced application of slow-release urea mitiga-ted nitrogen apparent loss,leading to enhanced nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen partial productivity.Through fitting analysis,it was found that when the dosage of slow-release urea was 208.7 kg·hm-2,the high yield and high efficiency of winter wheat was realized,and the 2-year yield was 8 054 kg·hm-2 and 8 806 kg·hm-2,the net benefit was 6 890 CNY·hm-2 and 8 475 CNY·hm-2,and the NHI was 78.2%and 78.9%,respectively.


西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室,陕西杨凌 712100



slow-release ureasoil nitrate nitrogennitrogen transportnitrogen use efficiencywinter wheatyield

《干旱地区农业研究》 2024 (001)


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