

The Improvement of the Regulatory System of Carbon Emission Trading in China under the Background of Financialization



The reasonable and effective regulatory system for carbon emission trading is the basic guarantee for the healthy and orderly development of the carbon market,and the construction and improvement of the regulatory system is one of the important tasks in the construction of Chinas carbon market system.The historical mission of the carbon trading mechanism and the absence of the basic law to deal with climate change in China determine that the regulatory scope of carbon emission trading should not be only limited to market trading.The comprehensive regulatory mode of combined supervision of carbon emission and emission trading should be adopted.The management process of carbon emission and emission trading involves a wide range of issues,so it is an inevitable choice to adopt the regulatory mode of the combination of competent authority and other authorities.The regulatory of carbon trading market is the core link of the regulatory carbon emissions trading.On the basis of clarifying the relationship between carbon emission trading supervision and carbon financial supervision,we should actively explore the establishment of a cross-market regulatory coordination mechanism for carbon spot and carbon financial derivatives under the unified leadership of the department of ecological environment.


上海大学法学院,上海 200444上海大学经济学院,上海200444/河北经贸大学法学院,河北石家庄 050061



carbon emission tradingregulatory systemcomprehensive regulatoryfinancializationcross-market regulation

《河北法学》 2024 (001)

73-88 / 16


