

Development Process,Effect and Enlightenment of Life Sports in Korea



Using literature and other research methods,the researchers analyzed the development history of life sports in Korea,and clarified the current major support programs and their effectiveness,with the hope of providing references for the high-quality develop-ment of national fitness in China.By continuously improving the policies and regulations related to lifestyle sports,Korea has most di-rectly expanded its sports infrastructure,sports population,and gradually increased the public's awareness of sports and health,thus improving national health to varying degrees,reducing the high medical expenses brought about by aging,and boosting the develop-ment of the sports industry.However,there are also problems such as the inability to meet the demand and supply of the private sec-tor,and significant regional differences in the diffusion of sports benefits.Implications:Build a standardized top-level design and strengthen integration services,expand sports infrastructure construction based on demand and build a publicity and volunteer service system,and develop national physical fitness certification standards and innovative incentive mechanisms.


宁夏大学 体育学院,宁夏 银川 750021阜阳师范大学 体育学院,安徽 阜阳 236037



life sportssports welfareagingnational fitnesssports industry

《湖北体育科技》 2024 (001)

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