

Transmutation of Sports Education Integration to Integration:Development Trend,The-matic Evolution and Prospects


目的 体教结合是体教融合战略的前身,系统回溯体教结合向体教融合发展的连续各阶段研究,可为进一步深化体育教育回归提供思路.方法 采用文献计量学对知网学术期刊数据库中 1991-2022 年的文献进行分析.结果 研究主题呈波浪式增长,峰值出现于 2020 年;受省部级及以上项目资助最多;载文数量最多的期刊为体育文化导刊;学科视角主要为教育学,文献资料法频次位列第一;核心代表学者为柳鸣毅、刘波和虞重干等人;热点关键词前三为体教结合、体教融合和竞技体育;主题演化包括学理概念、缘起发展、转变融合、政策研究和国际镜鉴等内容.结论 未来应保持对主题的关注度,立足现实国情,积极汲取国际体教融合育人机制和教学理论等方面的经验,加强多元学科交互与实证范式研究,建立融合为导向的学术合作共同体,拓宽我国顶层融合研究的理论边界和深挖我国基层融合实践的微观路径等.

Objective The integration of physical education is the predecessor of the strategy of integration of physical education.It is an important prerequisite for further research to trace the successive stages of development from physical education integration to physi-cal education integration.Methods Bibliometrics was used to analyze the literatures in the academic journal database of CNKI from 1991 to 2022.Results The research topic showed a wave growth,and the peak appeared in 2020.Received the most funding from provincial and ministerial level projects and above;The journal with the largest number of articles is the sports culture guide.The main disciplinary perspective is pedagogy,and the frequency of literature law ranks first.The core representative scholars are Liu Mingyi,Liu Bo and Yu Chonggan.The first three hot keywords are the combination of sports and education,the integration of sports and edu-cation and competitive sports;The evolution of the theme includes academic concept,origin development,transformation integration,policy research and international reflection.Conclusion In the future,it should keep the focus on the theme,base on the actual na-tional conditions,actively draw on the experience of international sports education integration education mechanism and teaching theo-ry,strengthen the research of multi-disciplinary interaction and empirical paradigm,establish an integration-oriented academic coop-eration community,broaden the theoretical boundary of top-level integration research in China and dig the micro path of grass-roots integration practice in China.


四川农业大学 体育学院,四川 雅安 625014上海体育大学 竞技运动学院,上海 200438



combination of sports and educationintegration of sports and educationthematic evolutionknowledge map

《湖北体育科技》 2024 (001)

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