

Effect of Social Support on Participation Satisfaction in Outdoor Hiking Tourism:Analy-sis of Multiple Mediating Effects Based on Emotional Experience


基于社会支持主效应模型,参考社会支持量表、积极/消极情绪量表、参与满意度量表对 650 名户外徒步旅游者进行问卷调查.建构结构方程模型考察社会支持—积极情绪体验—消极情绪体验—参与满意度4 变量影响路径.结果发现,户外徒步旅游社会支持、亲友支持、群体支持、积极情绪体验、消极情绪体验两两变量间存在显著相关作用;户外徒步旅游社会支持、群体支持会正向显著影响积极情绪体验;户外徒步旅游社会支持、群体支持会负向显著影响消极情绪体验;户外徒步旅游社会支持、群体支持正向显著影响参与满意度;户外徒步旅游积极/消极情绪体验在社会支持和参与满意度间起部分中介作用;户外徒步旅游积极/消极情绪体验在群体支持和参与满意度间起部分中介作用.

Ab stract:Based on the main effect model of social support,a questionnaire survey was conducted on 650 outdoor hiking tourists with reference to the Social Support Scale,the Positive and Negative Emotions Scale,and the Participation Satisfaction Scale.Structural equation modeling was constructed to examine the four variables influence path of social support-positive emotional experience-negative emotional experience-participation satisfaction.The results found that there was a significant correlation between the two variables of outdoor hiking tourism social support,family and friends support,group support,positive emotional experience,and negative emotional experience.Outdoor hiking tourism social support,group support will positively and significantly affect positive emotional experience.Outdoor hiking tourism social support,group support will negatively and significantly affect the negative emotional experience.Outdoor hiking tourism social support,group support positively and significantly affects participation satisfaction.Outdoor hiking tourism positive\negative emotional experience partially mediates the relationship between social support and participation satisfaction.Outdoor hiking tourism positive\negative emotional experience partially mediates the relationship between group support and participation satisfaction.


湖北大学 体育学院,湖北 武汉 430062



outdoor hiking tourismsocial supportemotional experienceparticipation satisfaction

《湖北体育科技》 2024 (001)

47-51,118 / 6

