

Effects of Co-composting of Sheep Manure,Edible Fungus Residue and Chicken Manure


为了解决集约化、规模化畜禽养殖生产中废弃物资源化利用问题,探究食用菌菌渣、鸡粪跟羊粪废弃物混合的堆肥效果,该试验以羊粪为主要堆肥原料,配合不同比例的鸡粪、食用菌菌渣和亚硒酸钠,设CK、GA、GB、GC 4个组(羊粪含量分别为100%、70%、60%和50%),并接种粪便微生物发酵菌,混合后进行好氧堆肥.通过检测堆体温度、pH、堆料物理、化学、生物指标及堆料发酵好后有机肥的品质性状,从粪便肥料化的角度确定羊粪、鸡粪及食用菌菌渣混合好氧堆肥的最适配比.结果表明,与对照组相比,GA、GB及GC处理缩短了升温时间,提高堆温2~3 ℃,同时延长了高温时间,且GC处理的促升温、增温效应优于GA和GB处理;堆肥第15天,各试验组pH达最大值,且GC的pH值最高,堆体碱性最强;堆肥完成时,与CK相比,GA、GB及GC处理的TN、TP和总养分含量都有极显著提高(P<0.01),同时GC的有机质含量高于GA和GB;4个处理的重金属含量、蛔虫卵死亡率及粪大肠菌群数均达到NY 525-2012《有机肥料》的标准.综合以上结果,GC处理(羊粪50%+鸡粪20%+菌渣30%)配合比例有最好的堆肥效果及有机肥品质,优选该比例来对羊粪、鸡粪及食用菌菌渣进行肥料化处理.

In order to solve the problem of recycling waste in intensive and large-scale livestock and poultry production,the composting effects of mixing edible fungus residue,chicken manure and sheep manure were investigated.In this study,sheep manure was used as the main composting material,com-bined with different proportions of chicken manure,edible fungus residue and sodium selenite.CK,GA,GB and GC groups(sheep manure content was 100%,70%,60%and 50%,respectively)were designed,then were inoculated with fecal microbial fermentation bacteria and mixed for aerobic composting.By de-tecting the temperature,pH value of the compost,the physical,chemical and biological indexes of the compost and the quality characteristics of the organic fertilizer after fermentation,the optimum ratio of sheep manure,chicken manure and edible fungus residue for mixing aerobic compost was determined from the aspect of manure fertilizer.The results showed that compared with the control group,GA,GB and GC treatments shortened the heating time,increased the compost temperature for 2~3 ℃,and prolonged the high temperature time at the same time,and the GC treatment had better heating effects than GA and GB;On the 15th day of composting,all test groups had the highest pH value,and the pH value of GC was the highest.When the composting was completed,the TN,TP and total nutrient contents of GA,GB and GC treatments were all significantly improved(P<0.01)compared with CK,and the organic matter content of GC was higher than that of GA and GB.The heavy metal content,the mortality of roundworm eggs,and the number of fecal coliforms in the 4 treatments all met the standard of NY 525-2012"Organic Fertiliz-er".Based on the above results,the mixing ratio of GC treatment(50%sheep manure+20%chicken ma-nure+30%bacteria residue)has the best composting effect and organic fertilizer quality.This ratio is pref-erably used to treat sheep manure,chicken manure and edible fungus residue as fertilizer treatment.


恩施土家族苗族自治州农业科学院,湖北恩施 445002||湖北省富硒产业技术研究院,湖北恩施 445002



sheep manurechicken manureedible fungus dregsaerobic compost

《家畜生态学报》 2024 (001)

53-58 / 6


