

Screening and Analysis of Growth Curve Models of Different Hybrid Mutton Lambs


为研究肉羊不同杂交组合生长发育规律及评价适宜推广的杂交模式,以引进品种澳洲白、杜泊和萨福克羊为父本,湖羊为母本进行杂交试验.测定不同杂交组合1~6月龄体重,利用Brody、Logistic、Gompertz和Von Bertalanffy 4种模型分别拟合各杂交组合体重发育过程,分析体重参数和模型估计值,评价杂交优势.结果表明:4种模型的拟合度(R2)均在0.95以上,其中Von Bertalanffy模型估计值最接近各个杂交组合的实测值,拟合效果最佳,拐点体重介于7.64~9.98 kg之间,拐点日龄在25~35 d之间.澳湖、杜湖和萨湖3个杂交组合最大日增重均在200 g左右(P>0.05),表明三者体重发育相近且适宜推广.Von Bertalanffy模型符合杂交羔羊体重实际生长现状,可为杂交羔羊早期体重发育评估提供依据.

To study the growth rule of mutton sheep in different hybrid combinations and evaluate the suitable hybridization model,the introduced breeds Suffolk,Australian white and Dorper sheep were used as male parents and Hu sheep as female parents in this experiment.The body weight of different hybrid combinations of Sahu,Aohu and Duhu from 1 to 6 months old were measured,and the growth of body weight was fitted by Brody,Logistic,Gompertz and Von Bertalanffy mathematical models,then the anal-ysis on body weight parameters and model estimates was conducted to evaluate heterosis.The results showed that the fitting degree(R2)of the four models were more than 0.95,among which the Von Berta-lanffy model was closest to the measured value of different hybrid combinations,suggesting best fitting degree.The weight at inflection point ranged from 7.64 kg to 9.98 kg,and the age of inflectional point was between 25 days to 35 days.The maximum daily gain of three hybrid combinations of Aohu,Duhu and Sahu was about 200 g,and no significant differences were observed among them(P>0.05),which indica-ted that the growth and development of the three species were similar and suitable for popularization.Con-sequently,the Von Bertalanffy model accords with the actual growth condition of crossbred lamb,which could provide basis for the evaluation of the early growth performance of crossbreed mutton sheep.


甘肃农业大学动物科学技术学院,甘肃兰州 730070||中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所,甘肃兰州 730050中国农业科学院兰州畜牧与兽药研究所,甘肃兰州 730050甘肃农业大学动物科学技术学院,甘肃兰州 730070庆阳市农业科学研究院,甘肃庆阳 745000甘肃省绵羊繁育技术推广站,甘肃张掖 734031



mutton sheephybrid combinationweightgrowth curve modelfitting analysis

《家畜生态学报》 2024 (002)

28-32,96 / 6


