

Untargeted Metabolomics Comparative Analysis of Cervical and Vaginal Mucus in Different Estrus Periods in Guanzhong Dairy Goats


为了揭示关中奶山羊自然发情状态下发情期生殖道代谢特征,探索关中奶山羊发情期特异性化学信号,为精准发情鉴定和适时人工授精等繁殖工作提供代谢机制层面的理论依据,以3只2~3岁经产母羊为研究对象,采集关中奶山羊发情期0~12 h(A组),12~24 h(B组),24~36 h(C组)的宫颈阴道粘液,采用气相色谱-质谱法(GC-MS)测定关中奶山羊发情期宫颈阴道粘液中的代谢产物.结果显示,来自发情期不同时段的关中奶山羊宫颈阴道粘液中共检出221种不同的代谢产物,其主要分类是碳水化合物、脂质、氨基酸、核苷酸、异生素、辅助因子和维生素、肽类、能量等;0~12 h VS 12~24 h的差异代谢物有6种,12~24 h VS 24~36h的差异代谢物有3种,0~12 h VS24~36 h的差异代谢物有14种;这些差异代谢物主要富集在半乳糖代谢、碳水化合物消化吸收、矿物质吸收、甘油酯代谢、A BC蛋白转运、嘧啶代谢等通路上.

In order to reveal the metabolic characteristics of genital tract in natural estrus Guanzhong dairy goats,explore the specific chemical signals in estrus Guanzhong dairy goats,and provide a theoreti-cal basis in terms of metabolic mechanism for accurate identification of estrus and timely artificial insemi-nation,this study selected three 2-to 3-year-old Guanzhong dairy ewes to collect their cervical and vaginal mucus from 0-12 h,12-24 h and 24-36 h during estrus.Meteorological chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS)was used to determine the metabolites in the cervical and vaginal mucus of Guanzhong dairy goats during estrus.The results showed that 221 different metabolites were detected in the cervical and va-ginal mucus of Guanzhong dairy goats from different periods of estrus,and they were mainly carbohy-drate,lipid,amino acid,nucleotide,xenobiotics,cofactors and vitamins,peptide and energy,etc.There were 6 different metabolites in 0-12 h VS 12-24 h,3 different metabolites in 12-24 h VS 24-36 h,and 14 different metabolites in 0-12 h VS 24-36 h.These differential metabolites were mainly enriched in pathways of galactose metabolism,carbohydrate digestion and absorption,mineral absorption,glycerolipid metabo-lism,ABC transporters,and pyrimidine metabolism.


西北农林科技大学动物科技学院,陕西杨凌 712100陕西澳尼克奶山羊育种有限公司,陕西富平 711700富平县华拓畜牧科技有限公司,陕西富平 711700陕西关中奶山羊专业合作社,陕西富平 711700



Guanzhong dairy goatnatural estrusestrus cyclecervical and vaginal mucusdifferenti-al metabolites

《家畜生态学报》 2024 (002)

39-46 / 8


