

Comparison of Earthworm Treatments Supplemented with Cattle Feces of Different Selenium Sources


根据蚯蚓的生长繁殖和蚓体富硒情况,选出两种不同的硒源按不同的浓度混入牛粪中,利用蚯蚓处理牛粪,实现养殖业粪污的资源化利用.试验利用亚硒酸钠(Sodium sele-nite,SS)与富硒酵母(Selenium enriched yeast,SY)易富硒、价格低廉优势,选取亚硒酸钠和富硒酵母作为硒源添加剂,促进蚯蚓对硒富集,生产优质富硒肥料.探索有机硒与无机硒对蚯蚓生长繁殖的影响,以期实现蚯蚓养殖处理粪污的同时生产富硒肥料,提高特种养殖经济效益.试验通过在牛粪基料中添加2种硒源(亚硒酸钠SS、富硒酵母SY)、3个水平(5、10、15 mg·kg-1),以硒元素计,选择出两种硒源的最适富硒量.结果表明,随着牛粪中硒添加量升高,蚯蚓的生长繁殖逐渐被抑制,硒浓度越高,蚯蚓的生长繁殖被抑制程度越高,当SY的硒添加量为15 mg·kg-1时,蚯蚓有明显的中毒现象;硒浓度越高,蚯蚓体硒含量越高,二者成正比;牛粪中添加同一水平的SS与SY,SY组蚯蚓的硒含量明显高于SS组.

According to the growth and reproduction of earthworm and the selenium enrichment in earthworms,two different selenium sources were selected and mixed into cow dung at different concentra-tions.Earthworm was used to treat cow dung to utilize manure waste from breeding industry.In this stud-y,sodium selenite and selenium-rich yeast were selected as selenium source additives to promote the en-richment of selenium by earthworm and produce high quality selenium-rich fertilizer.The effects of organic selenium and inorganic selenium on the growth and reproduction of earthworm were explored,hoping to use earthworms to treat feces and produce selenium-rich fertilizer simultaneously and thus improve the e-conomic benefits of culture of special species.By adding 2 selenium sources(sodium selenite SS,selenium-rich yeast SY)and 3 levels of selenium(5 mg·kg-1,10 mg·kg-1,15 mg·kg-1)to cow dung sub-strate,the optimal selenium enrichment amount of two selenium sources was selected in terms of selenium elements.The results showed that the growth and reproduction of earthworm was gradually inhibited with the increase of selenium content in cow dung.The higher the selenium concentration,the higher the inhibi-tion degree of earthworm growth and reproduction was.When the selenium content of SY was 15 mg· kg-1,the earthworm had an obvious toxic phenomenon.The selenium concentration was in direct propor-tion to selenium content in the earthworm.The selenium content in earthworms in SY group was signifi-cantly higher than that in SS group when the same level of SS and SY were added in cow dung.


内蒙古农业大学,内蒙古呼和浩特 010018内蒙古自治区农牧业技术推广中心,内蒙古呼和浩特 010010内蒙古扎木沁农牧科技有限公司,内蒙古科尔沁 029400内蒙古自治区农产品质量安全中心,内蒙古呼和浩特 010010



earthwormsodium seleniteselenium-enriched yeastcow dung

《家畜生态学报》 2024 (002)

61-64 / 4


