

Variation Patterns of Black Wool Quality of Adult Altay Sheep in Different Months


为了解阿勒泰羊黑色粗毛和绒毛性状在不同月份的变化规律,对2020年11月—2021年4月收集的100只成年阿勒泰母羊毛绒样品检测,分析各性状间的相关关系.结果显示:(1)绒毛含量随月份推移先升高后趋于平缓,1月份为阿勒泰成年母羊绒毛含量的高峰月(50.32%);(2)绒纤维平均直径随月份推移先下降后上升,2月份绒纤维平均直径达到最低(21.63 μm);(3)手排长度随月份推移先降低后升高,11月份的手排长度最高(43.55 mm);(4)断裂伸长百分比随着月份的推移先降低后趋于平缓,11月份的断裂伸长百分比值最高(47.18%);(5)粗毛白度、粗毛光泽度在11-12月份、2月份和4月份之间均无显著差异性(P>0.05);(6)在11-4月份期间,1月份的绒毛含量显著高于11月份,2月份的绒纤维直径显著小于11月份,2月份的绒舒适度显著优于12月份,1月份的绒毛白度和绒毛光泽度均优于12月份.试验结果表明,1-2月份为阿勒泰母羊绒品质的最佳时期.

To further understand the variation patterns of black coarse and fine wool characteristics of Altay sheep in different months,wool samples from 100 adult Altay ewes collected from November 2020 to April 2021 were analyzed to investigate the correlations among various traits.The results showed that(1)the wool content increased first and then leveled off with the progression of months,with January be-ing the peak month for wool content in adult Altay ewes(50.32%);(2)the average fiber diameter de-creased and then increased with the progression of months,reaching the minimum in February(21.63 pm);(3)staple length decreased first and then increased with the progression of months,with November having the highest average staple length(43.55 mm);(4)the percentage of breaking extension decreased first and then leveled off with the progression of months,with the highest value in November(47.18%);(5)there were no significant differences(P>0.05)in wool whiteness and glossiness between November-December,February,and April;(6)from November to April,wool content in January was significantly higher than in November,fiber diameter in February was significantly smaller than in November,comfort in February was significantly better than in December,and wool whiteness and glossiness in January were both superior to December.The experimental results indicate that January to February are the months when the Altay ewes carry supreme wool.


新疆畜牧科学院畜牧业质量标准研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐 830026||新疆毛绒工程技术研究中心,新疆乌鲁木齐 830026新疆福海县阿尔达乡农业(畜牧业)发展服务中心,新疆福海 836400



Altay sheepfine woolcoarse woolwool quality

《家畜生态学报》 2024 (002)

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