

Testing early warning'thresholds'for depression risk among college students based on stressful life events and social support


目的:抑郁是青少年最常见的情绪问题.其中,近期应激和社会支持是影响大学生抑郁的关键危险性因素和保护性因素,本研究探索这两个关键因素与大学生抑郁关系中可能存在的阈值效应,以期为提升抑郁风险预测的精准性和有效性,以及发展抑郁风险预警系统提供科学依据.方法:整群抽取我国中部H省3所地方普通本科高校2018-2022年入学的14043名本科生进行调查研究.采用SPSS 26.0对数据进行描述性统计分析、相关分析和线性回归分析,并采用R3.5.2进行分段回归模型(PRM)探索应激生活事件和社会支持对大学生抑郁的预测阈值.结果:①应激生活事件、社会支持与抑郁之间存在显著的两两相关,其中,社会支持与应激生活事件、抑郁存在显著的负相关(P<0.01),应激生活事件与抑郁存在显著的正相关(P<0.01);②应激生活事件的阈值达到42.055后,应激生活事件对抑郁水平的诱发作用愈发显著.而社会支持水平的阈值达到18.318后,社会支持对抑郁水平的抑制作用受到削弱;③根据应激生活事件和社会支持对抑郁的阈值效应可将大学生群体分为4组,高应激生活事件低社会支持组和高应激生活事件高社会支持组的大学生抑郁水平显著高于低应激生活事件低社会支持组和低应激生活事件高社会支持组(P<0.05),且高应激生活事件低社会支持组学生的抑郁水平又显著高于高应激生活事件高社会支持组学生(P<0.05);④4个组别的大学生在性别上的分布也存在显著差异(x2=129.014,P<0.001),高应激生活事件低社会支持组的男生占比(43.7%)明显高于总体样本中男生的比例(30.1%).结论:应激生活事件、社会支持与大学生抑郁之间存在阈值效应,根据阈值效应分类的高应激生活事件低社会支持组大学生的抑郁水平更为严重;应激生活事件低于42.055阈值水平,社会支持高于18.318的阈值时,大学生的抑郁情绪会得到明显缓解.

Objective:Depression is the most common emotional problem among adolescents.Among them,recent stress and social support are the key risk factors and protective factors affecting depression among college students.This study explores the prediction threshold effects in the relationship between these two key factors and depression among college students,with a view to providing scientific basis for improving the accuracy and validity of depression risk prediction and developing an early warning system for depression risk.Methods:This study was conducted for 14,043 college students in three comprehensive institutions in Hubei Province to analyze the association between col-lege students'depression and its association with stressful life events and social support,SPSS 26.0 software was used for descriptive statistics and linear regression.R3.5.2 software was used forpiecewise regression model(PRM)to explore the prediction threshold of stressful life events and social support on depression in order to improve the accu-racy and validity of depression risk prediction and to provide scientific basis for the development of depression risk early warning system.Results:① There was a significantly negative correlation between social support and stressful life events and depression(P<0.01)and a significantly positive correlation between stressful life events and depres-sion(P<0.01);②The effects of stressful life events and social support on college students'depression did not show a simple linear relationship,and there was a significant threshold effect in their relationship,when the threshold of stressful life events reached 42.055 and the threshold of social support was below 18.318,college students'depression deteriorated significantly;③ The college student population could be categorized into four groups based on the threshold effects of stressful life events and social support on depression,with different mean values of depression water for each category.Students in the high stress life event low social support group again had significantly higher levels of depression than students in the high stress life event high social support group(P<0.05);④There was also a significant difference in the distribution of the four groups of college students by gender(x2=129.014,P<0.001),with the percentage of male students in the high stress life event low social support group(43.7%)being significantly higher than the percentage of male students in the overall sample(30.1%).Conclusion:There is a threshold effect be-tween stressful life events,social support,and college students'depression.The level of depression in the high-stress life event and low-social support group is more severe according to the classification by the threshold effect.Only when the stressful life event is below the threshold of 42.055 and the social support is above the threshold of 18.318 can college students'depressive emotions be significantly alleviated.


湖北师范大学教育科学学院(黄石) 435002青岛理工大学人文与外国语学院



DepressionStressful life eventsSocial supportThresholdPiecewise regression model(PRM)College students

《中国健康心理学杂志》 2024 (002)

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